madelyn had a great day today. after a later than normal wake-up (7:30 instead of 6:30) and a good afternoon nap (2 hours), madelyn was all smiles today.

madelyn had a great day today. after a later than normal wake-up (7:30 instead of 6:30) and a good afternoon nap (2 hours), madelyn was all smiles today.
tonight madelyn figured out that she can put her head on the ground and look at me upside down. she was very amused by this and kept giggling. what was really funny was that she was spinning in circles and then putting her head on the ground to see me. she has gotten in this position before, but not several times in a row like tonight with an intention to look at the world from this perspective. i have actually been looking forward to this phase. i think it is so cute when toddlers peek at you between their legs.
during dinner we had a unique show as a hot air balloon took off down the street and floated over the neighborhood right behind out house. madelyn was so excited to see such a big "boon"!
since today was one of the last days to this unseasonably warm stretch of weather we have been having, i decided to treat madelyn to one last dip in the pool. especially since she has been begging to wear a swimsuit. which lead to two new words of the day "suit" and "hat". i asked her to pick out which swim suit she waned to wear and she put on her swimsuit hat. granted it matches her favorite swimsuit, the one she ultimately chose.
we have been letting her choose her clothes before getting dressed from two pre-selected choices. so when she said "no" to both pj choices last night she slept in just a diaper. matt had forgotten and when he went in to get her in the morning he was a little surprised to see her undressed.
while the weather was around 80, the water out of the hose was substantially colder. maddie had fun though. she played in the pool and yard for a good hour. and then we started working on a new skill - opening the front door. as you can see reaching was not a problem, but she didn't quite have enough strength in her little index finger to get it open. she was so patient while trying. i think it helped that she wasn't actually trying to go inside, she was just trying to see what would happen.
my health update - i took a sick day today and went to the doctor. i was given an inhaler so that i can have a conversation without a coughing fit and a prescription for antibiotics. i am already feeling much better and the sick day was a great idea (thanks, matt!). and then my wonderful husband came home for lunch and watch maddie while i napped (she was just waking up when he got home) before picking up dinner on his way home tonight. love.
madelyn is 15-months old today! i thought that she had a 15-month appointment, but i guess she has a 16-month appointment instead. so i still feel like this is a milestone age so here are my updates.
i don't have any pictures because i was really busy this morning and matt borrowed the camera for work today. not to mention that i am really sick - of the head cold variety. until tomorrow. love.
today we walked the 5 mile al's run/walk for children's hospital. we also did this walk last year and it was much, much colder. we had maddie all bundled up and while we were walking to the starting line she sucked her thumb for the first time ever. i did a search for that picture on the blog for anyone who wanted to look back and realized that it was the first picture i ever posted to the blog and that today, september 20 is the one year anniversary of my first blog post! and 235 posts later, here we are.
yesterday, maddie and i had a busy day at home. she fell asleep during one of my meetings in the morning and slept from 9-11:45 which meant that we had a really long time to go before bedtime. around 2 o'clock i was ready to take a break outside - and so was maddie. she was already wearing a red t-shirt and black leggings so i told her that we had to put shoes on before we could go to the park. madelyn takes off at top speed to her room when we mention "shoes" or "go". i let her pick out the shoes and as i mentioned before she has been insisting to wear socks regardless of the shoes. she grabbed some yellow socks and sat down on my lap. since these didn't match her clothes, i put them back in the drawer and suggested white socks instead. this was met with a very emphatic "no" as she dove back to the drawer and grabbed the yellow socks again. needless to say, she wore the yellow socks.
she discovered that wearing a t-shirt meant that she can see her body inside her shirt. and it made a really handy "hiding" place for a quick game of peekaboo while i prepared her lunch.
everyday we watch some of our blogger friends' videos and look at pictures. madelyn is particularly taken with lorelai - as you may have guessed from my past few posts. so here is madelyn trying to say "lorelai". she asks to see her by name now.
and madelyn got shout outs from lorelai today in her blog - in two different posts. i guess this is the modern form of pen pals. it is cute to see these two become long distance friends.
on a funny note, one of maddie's current favorite books these days is "here comes peter cottontail". and then we got "corduroy" from the library and she has reintroduced her "corduroy's christmas" book into the favorites mix. it is just funny to be reading holiday books away from the holiday season - well, maybe its just funny to me. love.
madelyn can now fake laugh (thanks again to lorelai!). she doesn't so much say "ha-ha", but gives a long "haaaa". she also comes really close to actually saying lorelai. the picture is another constant companion these days. sorry for so many videos, but it is difficult to capture what she does day to day in still shots. love.
madelyn was a dancing machine today! she was having so much fun doing her 'cha-cha' dance all over the house. she particularly liked dancing in the guest room after turning on the radio. this was the best video i got because she has decided that it is more fun to watch the videos than to do whatever i am trying to catch. it is so cute how excited she gets to see the video. i did get her to run out and dance for a few seconds before racing back to watch, but it wasn't really worth posting.
today brought a flood of new words! here is some video of me trying to get her saying the first new word of the day - "turtle". most of the time it sounds like "turd", but she is trying to identify the turtle toy. if you listen closely the first time sounds the most like "turtle". she said it much more clearly other times, but this was the best i got on video.
in addition to "turtle", she said "bean" a few times while eating her green beans at dinner, "comb" after dinner (she had been playing with several combs before dinner with daddy), and her first really clear "uh-oh". she has been making the "uh-oh" sound for a while, but this was the first time that she has said the two syllables clearly. i get so excited when she adds a new word to her vocabulary! i am working on a list of all the words, animal noises, signs, and other identifying noises for her 15 month appointment next week because so many people keep asking me how many words she has in her vocabulary and i never have a good answer. i will post my final tallies after we go to her 15 month appointment. love.
madelyn is starting to get a little cabin fever from all the rain we have had over the past few days. the rain has been constant and today it was starting to get pretty cool, so we have spent much of the past two days inside. madelyn has come up with some new ways to pass the time - and burn off some energy.
i was trying to take a picture of maddie's shirt ("when mommy says no... call 1-800-GRANDMA") and she started scooting around on her back on the hardwoods. so i started dragging her around on her back by her feet. the big smile is from mommy kissing her neck and sides for uncontrollable laughing. i have found tickling to be a great way to burn off a lot of her energy! not to mention that it is a lot of fun for both of us. she is learning that she can slide around better on the hardwoods than on the carpet - mainly by falling down when running in her socks. she will just lay down on her back and scoot around the floor laughing or talking.
another new 'skill' for burning off energy is spinning in circles. she was doing this on friday while eating the last of her lunch for the first time. i was on the phone with work when she started doing it and went for my camera. every time i would start recording, she would stop spinning. it is just as well because i am having a work conversation over all the footage i did get. today she was being silly with daddy bouncing her ball in the kitchen while i was cooking dinner and this led to lots of spinning. she figured out today that she gets dizzy when she spins - and that is really fun! there was a lot of spinning tonight while waiting for dinner. love.
matt had a work event today and since it was a community-type event(read: child-friendly) maddie and i went to take a look. madelyn was particularly taken with "the pocket lady". she had a quilt like skirt with at least 30 pockets on it filled with surprises (like the tea pot she is holding in the picture). she also enjoyed dancing with the local high school cheerleaders/dance team. they performed twice and madelyn was really, really into it. she was even shaking her hands like they were with their pom-poms! sometimes she would freeze her dancing to just stare when they did a jump or something in unison. i should have taken a video, but it was lightly raining and i was carrying a lot of treats that we had been given during our visit.
i took this video yesterday too trying to catch her growling "mmmmm". you can sort of catch it a few times, but the funny part is that i caught her climbing into the pantry cabinet to get out a jar of baby food that she then brings to the table to eat (she didn't though). we have a few jars left and when she gets them out we let her eat them. my favorite part (besides the climbing into the pantry) is when i ask her if its good and she stops to take a closer look at what she is carrying - as if to decide if it is indeed "good". love.
this morning madelyn tripped at the park and got her first bloody injury, below the neck that is, on her knee. she got up, cried a little bit, and brushed herself off. once she was back on her feet she just got in the wagon and called out "go". i guess that was the end of the park.
once we got home i showed her how the peroxide made 'bubbles' on her new cut before applying her first band-aid. she left it on for most of the morning, but then curiosity set in and off it came. luckily, it had done its job and the bleeding had stopped.
madelyn loves to watch videos of our blogger friends. she really, really likes a "please" and "thank you" video by our friend lorelai. i think that she likes that lorelai eats a pretzel in the middle of the video. she signs "more" and "eat" every time we watch it and then "more" again once it is over. she has watched it so many times now that she knows when it is almost over and starts signing for "more". she has been trying to say "please" along with lorelai, so after watching it at least 10 times today i decided to say if she would say "please" for a snack too. and here is what i got... love.
madelyn was a little over tired when bedtime rolled around tonight and cried a little when matt put her down. madelyn usually puts herself to bed, so crying is a very rare occurrence. the last time she cried (again overtired) i went in to check on her after she quited down and found her asleep on the floor behind the door. i had to gently inch the door open to get into her room because she was in the way!
that is what i was expecting to find tonight, but instead i found her in this uncomfortable looking position - sound asleep. love.
i know that you all are probably getting a little bored with hearing about our trips to the zoo, but here is another one. after her afternoon nap and a little lunch we headed to the zoo for a few hours. there was hardly anyone there and the animals were pretty active.
what i love about our zoo is that maddie can walk almost the entire time and can get really close to the animals. how often can you get that close to a tiger. it made several passes too, so we got to really check him out. she walked almost the entire time from one exhibit to the next and since there were very few people, i didn't have to worry about her getting into any the primates house maddie made a friend named mackenzie. mackenzie is three and insisted that i take her picture too when i was trying to take a picture of madelyn trying out a water fountain (aka "bubbler") that was her size. mackenzie was trying to teach madelyn how to use it. she was also trying to teach her the alphabet song. we ran into mackenzie and her grandma a few more times during our visit and she was always happy to see us and tried to help with the stroller and maddie.
in the fish pavilion (not really what it is called, but the real name escapes me right now), madelyn excitedly ran between the fish exhibits and called out "wow" for every single fish she saw. and she wasn't just running from exhibit to exhibit. she would stay at each tank until i told her to come see some more fish at the next tank. then she would run over with lots more "wows".
every time we go to the zoo i think that we should do this more often (and i wish that matt could join us too). love.
yesterday was our first neighborhood music class. we have so many small children in our neighborhood that we were competing to get into the few spaces (12) that the county parks and rec offered in their class. so one of the neighbors arranged for us to have our own neighborhood class at her house with the same teacher! it was a little chaotic this first week because there were a lot of us and since we were at some one's house there were a lot of toys as distractions. we keep joking that we will be able to start our own school because there are enough kids for a kindergarten class (when they all get to that age).
madelyn is getting more and more difficult to photograph (this is the best one that i was able to get after we got back from music class). so here are a few stories without pictures.
maddie has a new dance move - cha-cha feet. she gets so excited for the music (or anticipated music) that she starts doing a little cha-cha with her feet. and then she works into the general knee bouncing dance move. the new little cha-cha is so funny, but i haven't had the camera ready when she gets the urge to bust a move.
as i have mentioned before, madelyn likes to 'help' me by picking out food from the corner cabinet. yesterday she was happily examining the different canned options when i asked her, "should you be doing that?" and she responded "no" before starting to replace all the food items in the cabinet! i just thought that it was so funny that she said "no" when i asked. she didn't get everything put back in the cabinet, but she got most of it in there before she lost interest and went in search of more to explore. she is getting really good at putting things she shouldn't have back where they go or closing cabinets/drawers when i ask her to close them.
i have another new noise that i am trying to get on video - "mmmmm". she says it when ever she sees something she wants to eat. for example she will point at the bananas on the counter and say "mmmmm" and sign for 'eat'. it is funny because she says it in a deep sort of growl. it is the way i do it when i am being silly about how yummy something she is eating is (sometimes when it really isn't). i never realized how weird it was until she started doing it! i will have to try and change it into a sweet, normal pitched, sing-songy "mmmm" so that she isn't the weird kid. love.
today was a fun one. (please note that there is heavy sarcasm.) madelyn was a little energized this morning and the cold, rainy forecast meant that we were going to be inside for the day - i knew that i was in trouble. somehow she managed to find everything that she shouldn't be into and break the top drawer of her dresser all before 9am. i made the executive decision that we would brave the weather and head to the park. it wasn't supposed to start raining until around noon, but it was cool and overcast.
when we got there we had the park to ourselves. madelyn spent some time yelling at the wind blowing through the leaves, hiding from and peeking at mom, and of course picking up sticks, leaves, and mulch. after a while her friend, jason, came with his mom and were surprised that anyone else was there. they were having the same 'need-to-get-out-of-the-house' morning we were. and then her friends michael and dylan came down to play too with their mom. right when michael and dylan got there it started to rain. it was just sprinkling so we stayed for a while longer. we finally left when maddie came down the slide with her teeth chattering.
a new game maddie has taken up at the park is shaking the trees. she will look up and the leaves and shake the tree (and herself). she has been playing with the mulch under the trees for a while and i lately i have been trying to get her to notice the trees (we count the trees as she points them out on walks). in a few more weeks the leaves will start to turn and she will be able to make them fall down with her shaking. i am sure that will make the game that much more enjoyable!
this morning maddie and i took an early trip to the park around 9am. i had to bundle her up a little because it was 50s/60s after all the rain yesterday. we had the park all to ourselves and i was glad that i had the foresight to bring a towel to wipe down all the equipment that was still wet.
we actually spent more time enjoying the wildlife than playing on the equipment. madelyn likes to gather up all the fallen sticks and leaves blown down from the wind. and then she was strolling all over the open field part of the park. she kept squatting down to examine things on the ground and pointing at things asking, "what's that?".
"what's that?" madelyn asked with a general gesture at the wooded area.
"what's that?" madelyn asked with a more specific point and a little frustration.
"what's that?!" this time with a little scream in the question and pointing in the same place.
that was when i realized that she was pointing at the sound of crickets coming from the woods.
"that is bugs saying 'hi' to you."
"hi" with a wave at the woods.
isn't that cute? madelyn has been way more into noises. earlier she had been asking me about the various bird calls - that is how i figured out that she was asking about the cricket sound. matt and i are going to have to hone our listening skills to satisfy madelyn's quest for knowledge.
we went to the park several times today. it turned into a really nice day and i am facing the fact that we are running out of 'park' weather so every day counts. when we went this afternoon there were a lot of maddie's neighborhood friends to play with. her friend ava is almost two and was saying "bye" to everyone as she and her dad were leaving. i was asking maddie to say 'bye' to ava and in typical maddie fashion she was waving to ava from her swing. and then she called out "bye" clear as a bell to ava while waving! it toally surprised me! she said 'bye' once or twice several months ago, but this was the first time she had said it on request to someone who was leaving. and she said it in her big girl voice, not a soft baby voice. that voice surprises me every time. love.
madelyn has a lot of toys that make noise (thanks, grandparents) and i have enjoyed that most of them have on/off switches or at least a volume control. that way i can turn them off when i am on the phone, need a little less noise, or just can't hear a song/noise one more time. this week madelyn has discovered that a lot of her toys have an on/off switch and she can take control of whether they are on or off. the way she tests each switch is to activate the toy and then search for the switch before the song ends. if she doesn't find it in time she will activate the toy again so that she can flip the switch mid-song to off.
it has been cute to watch her carefully examine all her toys to try and find their on/off switch. she squats down and tries to look on the underside of her larger toys and flips the smaller toys over looking for the switch - this has become a new game for her. we may have to resort to removing the batteries this winter...
another on/off activity is turning on the clock radio in the guestroom so that she can dance to the music. she usually just goes in and turns it on, but i can ask her to do it too and she will run back to start dancing. she will even dance next to it if she misses the button to actually turn it on. i have been trying to get some video but she always looses focus on the way to the guestroom whenever i have my camera handy.
with all the flying we have been doing, i tried to teach madelyn the sign for "airplane". (the sign is the "i love you" hand gesture going from one side of you to the other in an upward motion.) madelyn can't get her fingers into the right position, but she waves her hand in the general motion whenever she sees an airplane in real life or in a book. today she took it a step further when she heard one flying over our house. without any prompting from me (she heard it first), she started doing the sign and ran to the screen door and looked up at the sky to see the airplane. she always seems to surprise me with her ability to put concepts together and apply them. (not to brag.) love.
we feel pretty sure that madelyn had another growth spurt - mainly because her face keeps running into things. she has also outgrown almost half of her 18 month clothes even though she still doesn't fit into the bloomers and waists. she fell asleep on our drive home from the outlets yesterday and slept for a little over an hour. because of the extra, late nap, bedtime did not go very smoothly and somehow madelyn bumped her head. i can't figure out what she hit it on, but she definitely hit it hard! and it became more and more colorful as today went by. and then this morning she fell out of the kitchen chair while eating her breakfast, reopened a cut inside her lower lip (from a slip in the bathroom last week) and added some more scrapes on the outside. the whole left side of her lip is swollen and dark red and with the lump in the middle of her forehead, it looks like she was in a pretty nasty fight.
it didn't help that she got less sleep than normal last night and then took an earlier, shorter than normal nap today. she was pretty cranky. and since she wasn't at her best, balance-wise, there were a lot of head bumps and crying. for my own sanity i did whatever i could to keep the mood light and keep her occupied with safe activities while i tried to get some of my long list of chores done around the house (matt was doing some entertainment wiring and insulating in the basement all day in preparation for drywalling next week). what worked? jumping. i am not sure why, but she thought my jumping up and down or just kicking out a leg was hysterical. she is a little calmer in this video clip, but you can see how entertained she was. since i am jumping while filming, you might skip it if you get motion sick. enjoy. love.