Monday, September 24, 2007

just another monday

my mornings start at 5am (or a little later if i hit snooze) so that i can get showered, dressed, and eat breakfast before maddie gets up at 7:30am or so. plus it gives me at least and hour to get my work day in order before adding her to the mix. maddie just plays with her toys on the floor in my office while i get my work done. when she gets tired of that she moves to her bouncy chair. lucky for me she is a very content baby who lets mommy work.

she just started real napping last week and goes down for about an hour at 9am and then for 2-3 hours at 1pm. her legs get a little busy when she starts to wake up and often find their way out of the crib. the first time it really freaked me out, but now i just think that it is funny!

then we have dinner and playtime with daddy before her 8pm bedtime. matt does the bedtime routine while i clean up the house. once she goes down for the night, i get back in my office to finish up any final tasks and think about tomorrow.
she has made working while she is home so easy on me. i just keep praying for her continuing cooperation. the funny thing is that i have been managing to get in more hours with her than i did before she was born - even with the diaper and feeding breaks - go figure...


Witenkling Mommy said...
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Witenkling Mommy said...

Very interesting post. Our days seem similar, however, I don't feel like I get a whole lot accomplished. Seems like the days fly by. Oh, I have been meaning to ask- what is the "ultimate crib sheet?"

Witenkling Mommy said...

The deleted post was the exact same as the post you can see. Somehow I posted it twice.

mom2mlg said...

the ultimate crib sheet was recommended to us by almost everyone we know with kids. and i must say that it is extremely handy. basically it attaches to the crib instead of the matress for quick and easy changes when there is a leaky diaper or or other mess in the crib. here is a link to the babiesrus Web page that tells more about it.

Witenkling Mommy said...

Sounds fantastic. I'll have to check it out. :)