Monday, December 10, 2007

video fix

okay, so my 24 cold has turned into more of a 96 hour and counting cold. i could not be sick at a worse time! i have so much to do right now between work and christmas preparation. oh well, i just have to concentrate on getting better and what doesn't get done, doesn't get done. enough about me...

the pictures are of maddie in my favorite pjs this morning. they are a size 12-18months! she is just getting so big! her sleeping feat last night was to get both of her legs out of the 'legs' of her pjs and into the torso part! they fit so snugly i don't know how she managed to do that...

here are a few videos of madelyn doing her 'rocking' that i think could turn to crawling any day now. (actually, as i was waiting for the videos to upload, she took a few crawling 'steps'! she covered about two feet of the floor!)

she also has another tooth! there is one that broke through the gum on the upper left, one over from center. so that was pretty exciting. it looks like all four of her front teeth may come in at the same time - only time will tell.

well i should get back to my recovery. love.


Zachritz Family said...

i can't believe she is so close to crawling! WOW! She's so cute, can't wait to see her again!

Witenkling Mommy said...

Man, what a workout! I got tired just watching her :) Those PJs are incredibly cute!