so the baby who rarely cries spent the bulk of the day crying and screaming inconsolably. she slept all night (8am-6pm) and was fine until just after breakfast. she started to get fussy and when i picked her up she started sucking her thumb - a classic "i'm sleepy" sign for maddie. so i put her down and she slept for around an hour and a half. then the real fun began. she screamed/cried for about 6 hours with a few brakes to suck her thumb and take half hour naps. she just wanted me to hold her and stand. she still doesn't have a fever and her congestion is almost gone so i thought that her molars were cutting.

after about 4 hours i called the doctor's office to see what they thought and they think that it might be her ears! why didn't i think of that?! they said that he symptoms didn't sound serious enough to risk driving (it snowed all day and the roads were really icy and a mess in general) so we are going in tomorrow morning.

the good news is that i gave her another dose of tylenol at 6pm and that seems to have relieved whatever pain she was experiencing because she is all over the place and laughing again. it figures that she would be all smiles for when daddy gets home... i am just hoping that this means she will sleep tonight. i will update you all on her condition in the morning. love.
(the pictures are from her photo shoot with her cousin annabell last week.)
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