maddie, of course, made me out to be a lier by showing little to no interest in climbing the rock form up to the big playset and didn't throw a single fit about getting out the swing. matt says that i am making it up, but at least some the neighbors have seen her do both so i have witnesses! i guess she is just on her best behavior for her daddy. she did show him how she can use her dresser drawers and steps for climbing and how she can throw a fit when we are attempting to change her diaper.

she even got cuddly with daddy before church this morning to read a few books. she was climbing all over him while i put on her shoes and socks, but the second he grabbed a book she froze in her tracks (hence the awkward pose in the picture). i am going to have to try using a book to keep her still on the changing table. she just gets mad that she has to stay in one place to get her diaper changed when there is so much to see and do.
the report from the church nursery was that "she sure does get around now, doesn't she?". they said that they had to chase her around all over the place. tell me about it! having a girl on the go sure does make the house feel a lot smaller. especially when i can't spend much time outside with her right now. i am switching up my working hours next week to give me some more time during the week when maddie and i can leave the house and give us both a break. i am hoping that will be beneficial for everyone involved.
it is also matt's last week at children's. then he starts a new job at a hospital right down the road from us. we are all excited for a shorter commute with more time at home with maddie and i!

later! love.
Oh, the diaper changing drama! Apparently this is a common phase- and a pretty long one (for us). I don't know why, but last week I started to tell Lorelai what was about to happen, like, 'Let's go change your diaper. We're gonna go change you diaper...' and also let her bring something she was presently interested in with her. For the past 4 days we have had no drama on the table. Again, not sure if this will keep up or if this is the reason she has mellowed out, but I will take what I can get!!!
What is it with these baby girls and shoes?? :)
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