Monday, December 1, 2008

"a lot"

i wasn't going to post tonight, but then madelyn was hysterical telling matt about her day at dinner. we were all cracking up. mainly because madelyn answered "a lot" without any prompting and without having ever said that before. in the video version she says "a bunch" first, but it was the "a lot" that had us all laughing very hard. especially since madelyn knew that it was funny (even if she didn't know why) and kept saying it over and over, louder and louder cracking herself up throughout the rest of dinner and bath time. it eventually became that she was saying "what" instead of "a lot", but she would come back to "a lot" as her original punchline.

when i came down to download the video i found that i also had some video from this morning as madelyn ate her first bowl of cereal with milk and a spoon. she did a lot better than the video shows and hardly spilled any milk, but you can get the general idea.

when she came out of her room this morning (around 8:30am and she had another 4 hour nap today) she went straight to the christmas tress saying "uh-oh" over and over as she examined it. it occurred to me that she was upset that the lights weren't on and thought that the tree was broken. i had to explain that we would turn the lights on when it got dark, but that the tree was okay. i just thought it was cute how concerned she was that the lights might not be working.

tonight she must have been missing daddy and wanting to go outside in the snow because she spent the evening trying to get me to put his snow clothes on her (they were out from him wearing them to shovel before work this morning). she could manage to get his gloves on by herself and was satisfied with that for a while, but then she wanted his pants and coat put on her. obviously the pants wouldn't work, but she did manage to keep his coat on for a while after i got it on her.

she also broke one of her toys tonight (on accident) and told us that it was "broken" and then said that it "broke". it was only a matter of time on this word since she has broken a lot of crayons recently in her zeal for coloring.

her runny nose continues, but it reminded me that she can blow her nose. granted she does it very softly when she does and blows through her mouth most of the time. but she will hold still when i ask her to blow her nose and makes the effort while i pinch and wipe. love.


Grandma Z. said...

That video is so cute. She is getting quite a vocabulary. She loves to talk.

Witenkling Mommy said...

8:30 am AND a 4 hour nap!???
oh, that would be just bliss. Wonderful dinner conversation you're having at the G. house :) And I am very impressed by Maddie's cereal in a bowl handling!