madelyn spent all morning with daddy. matt got up with her and let me sleep in until 9:15! that was such a treat. and then he took her with him to run some errands and get some lunch. i think they went to babies-r-us and home depot before stopping for a brunch lunch at einstein's. madelyn came home sleeping and slept for more than 3 hours. daddy really wore her out! and i think that they both really enjoyed their time together. plus their outing allowed me to get some things done around the house a lot faster than normal.

she also got to eat one of these cookies after dinner. i am pretty sure that this is the first real chocolate she has ever had. that is probably why i didn't have any trouble with her trying to eat the kisses as she unwrapped them. love.
Michelle, you look so beautiful! Pregnancy suits you. You have that 'baby glow'. Plus you look super thin! I see a tiny baby bump! Can't wait to see your newest addition to the family! Love ya!
This is just precious! What a great helper Maddie is! You both are beautiful!
What an awesome helper! I love her focus and attention to detail- every little 'garbage' speck must make its way to the proper bowl :)
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