Tuesday, March 10, 2009

24 week check-up

today i had my 24 week check-up. i am happy to report that baby boy is doing great and we are to the point that he could survive if i were to give birth so that is always nice to hear - not that i want to have him any time soon. i think i only gained 1-1/2 lbs. over the past five weeks for a total of about 12 or 13 lbs. it is hard to keep track because they don't really talk about weight or even say what it is.

matt had a work thing today and couldn't make the appointment - the first he has missed - so i had arranged for one of the neighbors to watch maddie before music class while i went to the doctor. the bad news is that about 10 minutes before i had to leave for the appointment i found out that the neighbor's son got croup overnight and she couldn't watch madelyn. normally it wouldn't be a big deal (and it wasn't really a big deal today) but madelyn slept until 8:30 and we needed to leave around 9:00. so i had to hurry her along and throw a waffle and banana in my bag for her to eat quickly while we waited for my appointment.

she has been getting up at 5:30am since the time change! luckily, i have been able to persuade her to go back to bed and the past two days she has slept until at least 8am. so this morning i let her sleep thinking that it wouldn't be a big deal to take her breakfast over to the neighbor's when i dropped her off. oh well. we got to the office and i went to give my regular urine sample. and madelyn helpfully poured it down the sink while i got the label ready for it. that would have to wait until after the appointment...

madelyn did really fantastic during the exam and told the doctor that she wanted to hear the baby's heartbeat. while we were waiting for the doctor madelyn kept saying "doctor coming". she was sitting on my lap being very snugly, hugging and kissing me sweetly. it was so nice. when she told daddy about the appointment she said that we went to the "baby doctor" - she came up with this on her own we have never said this to her.

next we had to stop by the lab to pick up the drink for my glucose test at my next appointment. i guess madelyn remembered when i gave blood there last time (which had reminded her of her own blood draw) because she would not even come through the door. she was crying to go and get in the car. she was even pulling on my hand to get me to leave. after assuring her that we weren't giving any blood just getting some drink she allowed us to go inside. i have already told matt that he has to come to the next appointment because madelyn was not going to be able to handle my blood test.

we survived. love.


Zachritz Family said...

That's great news...can't wait to meet him!

Witenkling Mommy said...

Lorelai loved going to 'listen to the baby's heartbeat' at every appointment - I believe she only missed one. I think going to all of the appointments made her more prepared for Kinley's arrival. Not to mention the fact that the office people spoiled her every time and she loved every minute of it :)