Saturday, April 11, 2009

easter fun

this has already been quite an easter weekend for madelyn. she got some easter goodies early from her grandparents on friday. she enjoyed getting their special surprises. she has actually associated the doorbell ringing with a "box" being delivered for her. although these days everything is "maddie's". her box from grandma and big pop had snacks and some bunny jewelry which she immediately had to open and put on.

and then her fuzzy bunny card from papa and nana came with some glittery, foam stickers in the shape of eggs, bunnies, and chicks. madelyn immediately stuck an entire sheet's worth on her forehead while daddy changed her diaper. unfortunately, she took them off before i could get a picture. she does have them all over her sweatshirt in this picture before we headed out to pick up some quick dinner. she just loves her stickers!

last night she was crying to go to the zoo with daddy (we had been talking about what we were going to do on saturday at dinner). and since i told her that she would have to wait until the morning, it was the first thing on her mind today. she didn't even want to get dressed. she was ready to just get in the car in her pajamas and head to the zoo. after a little discussion, i managed to get her to finish breakfast and get dressed before leaving the house. she called out "yea, zoo" most of the way there but really got excited when we turned onto the road where the zoo is located.

there were several easter events we were considering for today, but decided that the zoo would be best because if she wasn't into the easter activities she would still enjoy the zoo. thankfully we go there pretty early and it wasn't that crowded. madelyn could not care less about the easter bunnies or craft activities. i was really surprised that she didn't care at all about the easter bunnies (costumed characters) because she couldn't stop talking about the bunny at the mall a few weeks ago. oh well. we enjoyed seeing all the animals (it had been a while since daddy had gone with us) and walking around in the sunshine - although it was still pretty cold out.

i was able to convince her to get her face painted. she even told the lady what colors she wanted her whiskers and nose to be when she asked. later in the day she finally got to look in a mirror to see her bunny face paint and she was really excited about the "whiskers".

we wrapped up our tour of the zoo with a trip on the merry-go-round. we were planning on riding the train, but madelyn couldn't pass up the merry-go-round today. i don't know that she loved it (because she looked pretty scared), but afterwards she kept telling me about riding "up and down" so maybe she did like it.

the last thing we were going to try and do before leaving the zoo was watch a "bubbleoligist" show. we decided not to wait the half hour when we first got there, but were now going to have to wait a half hour for the second show. while we were waiting matt looked outside and saw some large bubbles. once we realized that the guy was making bubbles outside right now, we decided that would work for madelyn and then we wouldn't have to wait for the real show.

she really loved it. i don't think that you can really see it in the pictures, but she is sitting on matt's shoulders reaching out to pop the large bubbles floating by her head. every time a really large bubble would get within her reach she seemed to be looking somewhere else and would miss it. it was a great way to end our morning before heading home for her nap.

after her nap we finally got around to dying our easter eggs. i had boiled the eggs earlier in the week, but we just haven't had the time to get them dyed. we put an old shirt of matt's on her as a smock and away we went to experiment with our egg dying kit i bought at the dollar store. madelyn did a wonderful job - not that the video is very exciting. after we were done she asked to eat the eggs. i think because i had told her that the egg dying was a "treat" for her.

i am hoping and planning to get some family pictures tomorrow since we don't do that nearly enough. happy easter to you! love.

p.s. i had my 28 week check-up last week and passed my diabetes test. baby's heart rate is great and his growth is right on schedule. really uneventful. the next appointment is in 4 weeks and then we go down to every 2 weeks. madelyn asked the doctor to hear the baby's heartbeat. she was really excited about that part because she had been pretending to listen to the baby with her doctor kit during the morning.


Grandma Z. said...

Boy does that bring back memories!!!Dying eggs was always fun, especially when we would blow out the eggs. I'm so glad Maddie had such a nice Easter. Love you.

Witenkling Mommy said...

Ok, so I was watching this one again with Lorelai and she was just mesmerized. She liked saying, 'She did it gentle' when Maddie did. She isn't a fan of me leaving comments- have to hurry. The two girls are so similar. Love the stern voice from mom directing maddie :)