Wednesday, September 26, 2007

tummy time

i guess that i got a little ahead of myself thinking that i had maddie's schedule figured out because after only a week, she has changed it again... i think that she has added a third one hour nap. only time will tell!

one thing that has been changing for the better is her love of tummy time and her ability to hold her head up. i have noticed real progress in the past few days. she rolled over back to front and front to back a few weeks ago and now she is really getting good at holding her head up. she can also scoot herself a full 360 while laying on her back by kicking her legs and rolling to her side. i think that she is going to be on the move soon.
another area where she has made a major advancement is focus and coordination. she can now see something and reach out and get it. what is really cute is that if she can't get it to her mouth (because its too big or attached to something) she starts to fuss and i have to give her something that she can hold.

oh and did i mention that all this new movement has lead to a larger amount of spit-up? i am on my fourth shirt of the day and she just spit up on this one while i have been typing this with one hand (which by the way is why i decided to write this in all lower case). at least she is a "happy spitter" and usually has a huge smile while i wipe her off. time ffor me to go change my shirt again and get dinner going. love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

So much hair and so animated! Reminds me of Lorelai. I wouldn't be surprised if she has thrown in a 3rd nap - its very common at her age. Reading your entries reminds me a lot of what I've just gone through. Its amazing how different, yet similar babies can be.

Zachritz Family said...

She looks like she is getting so big! Very cute! That is great she does so well with belly time! I can't wait to get her and Annabell together to play, it should be adorable!