Thursday, October 25, 2007

oh what a night...

last night was a rough one. maddie went to sleep as usual at 7:30/8:00 but then she got up at 11:45pm, 4:00am, and then at 7:00am. while i know many of you are like, "yea, and..." this is highly unusual for madelyn. i sent matt to check on her at 11:45, but the poor thing was screaming bloody murder so i got up to see if she was hungry. she had eaten around 8 oz. before going to sleep for the night, but she ate like she was starving! and it was the same thing at 4. when we met with her doctor on monday, she said that we should introduce solids when maddie stops sleeping through the night since she has been such a good sleeper, has teeth and is so big - if she stops sleeping through the night she needs more calories than she is getting during the day. but we didn't expect it to happen so soon! we really want to wait until she is 6 months, but after last night we are thinking that we might have to start sooner rather than later.

however, after today i think that last night's restlessness is more likely caused by her top teeth coming in. she has had a difficult time eating today and keeps pulling away and screaming after just a few sucks - a classic teething sign. we'll just have to wait and see how tonight goes...

since she was having a tough day and it was sunny out, i took her down to the park for some fresh air. she laughed at me while riding in the swing! i was sort of laying on the ground under the swing and she thought it was so funny that she could be over me like that. i think that the fresh air did her some good because she didn't fuss at all the whole time we were out and came home to take a nap. at least her napping has been normal today. i can't imagine if she hadn't gotten her naps either.

she is starting to be more consistent about what makes her laugh, so i can get her going more often. she really likes for me to kiss on her chin and neck after changing her diaper. it is so fun to make her laugh. i think that i enjoy it as much as she does.

apparently, i am obsessed with taking pictures of her while she is asleep, but this time the flash woke her up. (now how did her socks get all the way over there...)


Becky said...

I think they hit a growth spurt right around 4 months and so you might just need to up her calories of milk during the day before having to make the leap to solids. I remember going through growth spurts with Reece and it took 2-3 days for my milk supply to catch-up with is demand. I don't want to go into nursing details on your blog :) but let me know if you want some tips. But with a baby as perfect as Maddie, she'll probably be back to her ol' self in no time :)

Witenkling Mommy said...

I was going to say the same thing Becky said- growth spurt. I only distinctly remember one, at about 4 months, for Lorelai. Of course, your teeth hypothesis seems feasible as well since she fussed at meal time. Hope you're getting some sleep tonight.

Zachritz Family said...

How did she do last night? Better I hope. I am really seeing how what i eat effects Annabell lately. I have had to cut so much out. no caffiene, no chocolate, no raw veggies like brocoli, ugh all the good stuff is gone; But she sleeps so much better when I am careful about what I eat. So for the sake of sleep it's well worth it. I hope Madelyn is doing much better now.