Monday, December 17, 2007

does she have a hallow leg?

today was maddie's 6 month doctor appointment and all's well! she is 29 inches long (99.94 percentile) and weighed 16 lbs. 5 oz. (62 percentile). i was surprised that her weight had changed curves like that (she had been in the upper 80s before) but the doctor didn't think that it was anything to be concerned about.

the doctor couldn't believe it when i told her how much madelyn is eating and asked her if she had a "hallow leg". needless to say that she agreed with my desire to add a third meal to maddie's day. so maddie had three meals today and loved every bite! i made her first batch of "super portage" (ground up brown rice) today. well, the first batch i didn't grind the rice fine enough, but the second batch came out great and she liked it a lot better. so she had 4 T. of bananas w/milk, 6 T. of oatmeal cereal w/milk, 3 T. of avocado, and 4 T. of super portage today! and that is in addition to 5 normal nursings! hopefully, a few days of this will get her back to sleeping all the way through the night. she has been getting up at 4am again to eat for the past week or so.

in addition, the doctor said that we could go ahead and give her teething biscuits (or any hard piece of bread) since she has so many teeth coming in and is able to put the spoon in her mouth by herself. here is a video of her enjoying her first teething biscuit (she picked it up and started chewing before i could get the camera on!).

i also learned from the doctor that her 'rocking' is actually an advanced skill for a girl her age (not to brag or anything). generally, girls don't start rocking until 9 months or so. i told her that is why she is eating so much and not putting on a lot of weight - she is always moving!

she also did a great job with the shots. she made it through the first one without flinching, but then the tears started. once the shots were done she stopped though and hasn't had any of the after symptoms that she has had in the past. today was just a normal day.

oh, and i got the proofs for her pictures from friday in her Christmas dress. here are a few of my favorites.

i need to get back to my to-do list so that i can get some stuff wrapped up before volleyball tonight. love.


Anonymous said...

I love that video. She is so adorable. The portrait pics are also wonderful. Love, Uncle Rob.

Witenkling Mommy said...

Oh, my goodness! 29 inches! I love her pudgy cheeks. Great family portraits, too.