Wednesday, December 19, 2007

sitting pretty

madelyn can now get herself into a seated position on her own. she had done it twice yesterday sort of by accident, but it was much more intentional today (even matt agreed that she was sitting). she doesn't pull herself all the way up yet, she just sort of props herself up with one arm, but she can go from laying on her belly to sitting on her bottom and upright for the most part all by herself.

(her shirt says "I play sports with daddy". its a boy's shirt but i haven't been able to find any girl shirts with sports on them...)

i am hoping to capture it on film soon, but for now i have a still shot of her in her sort of sitting position. what she does is get into her 'rocking' pose and then straightens her legs out and steps them forward until they are in front of her behind and then sits down and uses her arms to push her torso up. she gets herself more upright than the picture shows, but that is the general effect. she can also get into this position while rolling to her side and bringing her legs to the front one at a time, but the hands and knees 'rocking' way is the more frequently used.

she also straightens both her arms and legs when 'rocking' but i missed getting a picture because she saw a toy she wanted by the time i got the camera. it almost looks like she is just going to stand right up and skip the whole crawling thing. she just amazes me everyday with the physical things she can do now. i just expect her to start crawling all over the place any day now. maybe she is just waiting until we get to kansas so that she can show her papa, nana, and uncle derek.

she woke up twice to eat last night! she hasn't done that for about two months now, so i figure that her teeth are hurting her or she is having a growth spurt - only time will tell. she is eating over 5 - 7 tablespoons of food three times a day plus nursing now so hopefully we will get back to sleeping through the night again soon.

this is a video of her playing with her favorite part of her mirror - the ties. her favorite part of everything is the ties, straps, or buckles! well, that is when she can't reach the tags. i just know that the wrapping paper is going to be her favorite toy this Christmas. love.


Unknown said...

I love the blog, isn't it addicting? My goal for next year is to add some video, you have inspired me. The x-mas card was wonderful and thanks for sharing the site, she is precious. I especially like the holiday photos.

Zachritz Family said...

her legs are soooo long! I can't believe how big she is! She's too cute. Did Aunt Celest make the quilt she's sitting on? Annabell uses the one she made us, it's so comfy for her and the perfect size, it just looked similar so I thought I would ask. Have fun in KS. Love ya'll!

mom2mlg said...

No, a lady I work with made that one for us. Quilts are the only blankets that will stay in place with Maddie's busy, busy legs! So we do use the one Aunt Celeste made us a lot too.