Tuesday, January 15, 2008

catching up

i have been super busy with mom's visit and work and that is why there has not been much blogging over the past few days. mom got home safely last night and even got to see some more snow falling on her way to the airport.

oh and can i just say "yeah chargers!"? it was a happy sunday at our house when we saw that the chargers had won! we had spent the day outlet shopping and matt did everything he could to avoid the score until he could get home and watch it the dvr copy of the game. he even made me turn maddie's chargers bib backwards so that no one would be tempted into commenting on the game at lunch.

here is video of madelyn using her non-walking toy for walking yesterday. it just kept sliding away and she kept right up with it. now i can just move her to one side of my office and let her 'walk' to the other side over and over and over - you get the idea. at least she is slower at this than crawling.

she is also trying really hard to 'walk' and cruise along the furniture. she was trying to get from the laundry basket to the coffee table but couldn't quite reach. instead she settled to reach for the other side of the laundry basket and found herself stuck with both feet in the air. i started laughing and she started crying because she was stuck. which just made me laugh more because she was so cute.

now for food news. yesterday we started brown rice and oatmeal porridge. she will finally eat the rice porridge! i think that the oatmeal either helped the rice grind finer or just evened out the overall texture. she has also taken to peas, but today we tried green beans and she hated them! she was choking on them, making awful faces and finally spit them up. i guess that we will just have to try them again in a few weeks. tomorrow we move on to carrots.

you might have noticed that in the posts from january 1 through january 9 maddie was wearing puffy painted onesies. these were lovingly made at my baby shower in florida this past summer. the fit her perfectly now and she really liked to feel the texture of the paint on each of them. thanks to everyone who helped make them for her!

that's all for tonight. love.

1 comment:

jwitenko said...

It is so cute and funny to see how similar our children are. Maddie is like thumbing through last month's pictures of Lorelai.