Friday, April 4, 2008

the park...finally!

as you can see, madelyn had wheat spaghetti noodles with her dinner tonight. i even tried giving them to her in a bowl (fully expecting the bowl to end up being thrown on the floor). she kept trying to pick them up out of the bowl - even after they were all over her tray and she never picked it up to drop on the floor. she really liked them once she figured out that they were for eating and not for squishing.

i have mentioned several times that madelyn loves her books and that she will go to her room to 'read'. well i tried to get some video and discovered something - she loves to 'read' so much that she saw me and the camera and didn't crawl right over! now that is some strong power books have over her. she will stay like this for 20 minutes or so and then come back out into the living room and play with something else or look for me. i love that she only laughs at certain pages.

today maddie and i went down to the neighborhood park for a little over an hour because it got over 50. woo-hoo! it was so nice to be out in the fresh air and sun! i even opened the house up for some airing out when we got home.

madelyn's walking improves everyday. she can now walk just holding onto one of my fingers. she can walk 10 feet or so until something else distracts her. it is very exciting for me! she even added bending down to pick something up today at the park. we were walking side by side with her holding my finger for balance and she bent down to pick up a stick, stood back up, and kept on walking! this was a first. usually she will just walk until she sees something she wants and then plop down and crawl. here she is jamming out on the 'bells' at the playground (at least she was until the camera came on - unfortunately she could only reach two of the bells).

we took daddy down to the park after dinner and then took a walk around the neighborhood. maddie got to ride on daddy's shoulders and discovered that they come with 'handles'. apparently she holds on really tight!

it seems that after each post i think of something else that i meant to tell you about maddie, but then when the next night comes i can't think of what it was... oh well. nighty-night! love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

I love the hair do! Yeah for reaching the 50's! That sounds refreshing. We're already drifting to the 80's here :( I, too, love that Maddie laughs at certain pages in the book- too cute!

Unknown said...

Isn't it great getting out to the park. We are enjoying it as well. I think it is hilarious that she holds on to Matts ears, too cute!