Tuesday, June 17, 2008

music class

madelyn and i (and nana) went to our first "music minors" class through the parks and recreation program here this morning. in preparation for class madelyn busied herself with the post-it dispenser in my office. she didn't really like the way the stuck to her hands, but didn't notice them sticking in a trail to the bottom of her feet when she got up to walk away.

so madelyn made herself right at home when we got to class! in typical madelyn fashion she went around and said "hi" to everyone with a big smile. then when the singing actually began she stood right up front with the instructor in the middle of the circle. i was the only one without a child on their lap. every now and then she would look around for me though. when she would see me she would 'run' over and give me a tight squeeze around the neck and then turn around and head back to the front of the room. then there were animal finger puppets for one of the songs and every child was supposed to pick up two. madelyn kept picking one after another up and putting them in her mouth. of course. she wasn't as interested in the scarfs portion of the class. but she did like the peek-a-boo song we did hiding behind them - she just couldn't wait behind the scarf the whole time until the "boo" part.

i am sure that there will be lots more stories from class in the weeks to come that will make the blog.

and this last picture was of maddie walking around outside of class this morning. she was walking around clapping her hands excitedly and it was so cute to me. she has been doing this a lot since walking. she is just so excited to be walking around on her own and every now and then she becomes overwhelmed with joy! it is just so pure.


1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Yay for music class! Lorelai loves the one she goes to, too.