Sunday, August 31, 2008

up, around, and slidin' down

after a full afternoon of outlet shopping for winter clothes (and - hurray - a winter coat for maddie). we took maddie to the park to run off some of her energy. she has gotten so good at safely coming down the slide that we can actually sit and watch her play some of the time (its short, but it is nice to be able to sit down for a bit). she also had fun with a little boy that we met tonight. they really enjoyed playing with each other. he is 23 months, so his vocabulary was a lot better.

madelyn gets some crazy static hair on the slides which always makes us laugh (you can sort of see it in the picture of her and her playmate tonight). and here is some video of her climbing up, sliding down, and running around to do it all again. (matt is just off frame for those who like to worry about madelyn's safety.) she doesn't normally crawl as much as she did tonight, but it helped her to slide on her belly.

madelyn did so great shopping today. we were hoping to find her a winter coat and luckily we did (at half price). i have been shopping coats around for about a month because i refuse to invest much for a one winter coat, but warm coats are expensive. we had maddie try the coat on in the store to make sure that it wasn't too big to wear in the early winter but big enough to make it all the way to spring. madelyn liked the coat so much that she didn't want to take it off! she was pretty cute running around the store with a winter coat on over her summer dress. at least we know that it was comfortable. it is pretty tough to use our psychic powers and guess what size will get us through the winter. love.


Becky said...

It is dreadfully hot here in FL, but I'd still take that over layers and layers of clothes and coats on a toddler anyday. I love how close you guys are to so many other fun places and cities ... but I don't envy the cold one bit :)

Witenkling Mommy said...

I can't wait for the days of completely solo-playground play. I feel like I'm on the playground more than many of the kids...