Thursday, September 11, 2008

zoo afternoon

i know that you all are probably getting a little bored with hearing about our trips to the zoo, but here is another one. after her afternoon nap and a little lunch we headed to the zoo for a few hours. there was hardly anyone there and the animals were pretty active.

what i love about our zoo is that maddie can walk almost the entire time and can get really close to the animals. how often can you get that close to a tiger. it made several passes too, so we got to really check him out. she walked almost the entire time from one exhibit to the next and since there were very few people, i didn't have to worry about her getting into any trouble.

in the primates house maddie made a friend named mackenzie. mackenzie is three and insisted that i take her picture too when i was trying to take a picture of madelyn trying out a water fountain (aka "bubbler") that was her size. mackenzie was trying to teach madelyn how to use it. she was also trying to teach her the alphabet song. we ran into mackenzie and her grandma a few more times during our visit and she was always happy to see us and tried to help with the stroller and maddie.

in the fish pavilion (not really what it is called, but the real name escapes me right now), madelyn excitedly ran between the fish exhibits and called out "wow" for every single fish she saw. and she wasn't just running from exhibit to exhibit. she would stay at each tank until i told her to come see some more fish at the next tank. then she would run over with lots more "wows".

every time we go to the zoo i think that we should do this more often (and i wish that matt could join us too). love.


Becky said...

That tiger picture is a little freaky ... you really can't tell there's any glass. Looks like a fun time ... wish we had a zoo so close.

Witenkling Mommy said...

I SO wish we had a zoo of that caliber so close. Don't you just love how little girls adopt other little girls? That always happens when we go to the pool - its like the older girls think their baby dolls have come to life- their greatest dream come true! I'm not sure if the same thing happens with boys....