Monday, October 13, 2008

more catch-up

there have been lots of other things going on with madelyn besides injuries and sicknesses, so here are a few:

- she hugs my arm to her face when i am changing her diaper. it is so sweet and with such enthusiasm that it makes my day - even if it does make it impossible for me to finish changing her diaper.

- madelyn is really into bugs right now. she points them out everywhere - in print, in real life, in songs, even imagined bugs (aka lint). she can only identify "bees" by name though. and she held a ladybug at the park today which was pretty exciting.

- colors can now be identified upon request. if asked for the "red fish" she will bring you the red fish. the camera is still too distracting for me to get any video, but hopefully i will have some soon.
- last week was a crazy eating week! she ate more food at a sitting that i could. one morning she ate two waffles, a banana, half an avocado, and a handful of grapes! we are guessing that it was a little growth spurt. i actually think that might have attributed to her lip injuries this weekend.
- when in the car she requests for her "bob sing" (aka veggietales cd). if i turn it off when she gets into her book or switch to the radio, she looks up and calls out "bob". nothing gets by this girl.
- if i tell her to "wait one minute", "just one more time", or "one more book", she will hold up one finger to show me how many. and there is no complaint after the "one".
- she is getting really close to jumping. she actually left the ground tonight for a split second. but the enthusiasm and effort she puts into trying is more fun than her actually jumping.
- coloring and stickers have become a new favorite activity. it amazes me how well she places the stickers in the book. she understood instantly that you have to put down the sticky side and then get your fingers out from underneath it while holding down one side with your thumb. i didn't even have to show her how. this is another activity that i hope to catch on video.
- she says "no" or "nope" when she means "yes". you have to ask her - "do you mean yes?" if she does then she says "yes" if not she repeats her "no" or "nope".
the pictures are just a few from today while she was being extra happy eating her snack after her nap. love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Love the updates. It seems harder and harder to keep up with 'new' things because there are so many each day! Impressive that she can almost lift her feet from the ground when she jumps. And the color identification, too!