Monday, January 26, 2009

baby 2 on the move

since i haven't really posted anything about the current baby, i thought i would give a little update. this baby's movements are different than the early movements i felt with madelyn, in a good way. this baby is very active - so was madelyn! but madelyn felt like being poked or kicked from the inside right from the beginning. none of this "butterfly fluttering" business everyone is always saying that it feels like at first.

this baby feels more just like moving or activity. no butterfly fluttering or poking/kicking like madelyn. i have been feeling it since the end of week 13 and on saturday night felt it on the surface of my belly for the first time (at 18 weeks). i get excited about that because i know that matt will be able to share in feeling the baby move soon. i meant to check my journal (aka pre-blogging), but i think matt felt madelyn for the first time at 22 weeks. saturday was the first time that i have even tried to feel the baby move with my hand so who knows if i would have been able to feel it sooner or not. either way i can feel it now and can't wait to share with matt.

so there you go. i guess that there won't be much more to share until the ultrasound (now scheduled for february 9). we (okay me) are just dying to know whether it is a boy or a girl! love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

Yay for early movements! I can't wait to find out the gender, too. Ironic, I know. But Lorelai insisted I was having a girl the whole time- never waivered - and Maddie seems to think you're having a boy. I wonder if they have a sixth sense of some sort... we'll just have to wait and see...

jwitenko said...

Get sleep now. Kellie and I have QUICKLY realized baby # 1 doesn't care how little sleep you got the night before. They don't care that you were awake feeding/tending to their sibling until 6am. 7am is wakeup time and thats when they want your undivided and alert attention.