Wednesday, April 1, 2009

video day

i got a few videos to share today. madelyn isn't really cooperative about me using the camera these days because she just wants to watch herself on it.

i was able to catch her "measurin'" in "brother's room" this afternoon. that is how she helps daddy while he is painting. she doesn't really say or do much past the very beginning, but here it is:

and here is a sampling of what 75% of my pictures and videos are these days:

she spent a lot of time "drumming" today. she really enjoyed testing out the sounds the different sized metal bowls made when she hit them with a wooden spoon. i normally would not have had taken video (because it was so noisy), but she was singing softly to herself while playing her 'drums'. of course she stopped once i got the camera, but she sings for like half a second at one point of the video.

lastly, i got a little bit of her singing "happy birthday" tonight after dinner. on my birthday she actually sang the "to mommy" verse too. and actually, i just heard her sing that version to daddy right now as they are getting ready for bed and i am posting. she used to just say "happy day" and now she actually says "birthday" (sort of "birffday").

so after all the diaper drama last night, we were so excited when madelyn peed her her potty twice today! not that i count it as 'potty-training', but at least i know that she isn't afraid to go in it. love.


Grandma Z. said...

I really enjoyed my visit and was so glad I got to see Maddie do some of these things. I even got to sing Happy Birthday with her.

Witenkling Mommy said...

Love the bowl-playing! I feel for you on the videos... Lorelai has gotten a little better because I tell her its my turn and then it will be hers. Lots of times she forgets to get 'her turn.' When she doesn't forget, I let her take pictures, not video, and/or we just look at the pictures just taken. That usually satisfies her.

Witenkling Mommy said...

Oh, yeah, AWESOME potty-progress! I am envious.