Tuesday, May 19, 2009

34 week checkup

my 34 week check-up was uneventful this morning. my belly is measuring about a week ahead (madelyn was a little small to right on track). the doctor said that she couldn't be happier with my blood pressure, heart rate, and weight gain. both she and the nurse were surprised because i didn't gain any weight since my last appointment. i was surprised too because my appetite is revving up and because he is carrying so much lower than madelyn (still higher than most) i have been able to start eating dinner again.

madelyn was really excited to go and hear the heartbeat today. as soon as the doctor put the gel on she got very focused on listening. i asked her if she could hear the heartbeat and she smiled shyly while nodding yes.

i am starting to feel the need to make my final preparations - pack a bag for the hospital, pack for madelyn to stay with neighbors, get the carrier car seat in again, stock up on pumping gear, etc. hopefully, i won't be too disappointed if i make it to or past my due date. i am just so planning and hoping for the baby to be earlier. love.


Grandma Z. said...

So glad you had a great checkup. We'll hope he comes early with you.

Witenkling Mommy said...

Awesome news on the check up. Its getting close! Happy nesting :)