Sunday, June 8, 2008

rain, rain go away

it has been really stormy here for the past two days and it looks like we have a few more days of it to come. and i don't just mean wind and rain. the tornado siren went off 5 times during last night's storm! tornadoes freak me out because i think of them like small hurricanes without the warning. i got tired of going up and down the stairs between sirens, so maddie and i spent about an hour in the basement watching the weather reports. we are fortunate to have a room with no windows that we use as an exercise room and maddie enjoyed checking it out for the first time. thankfully the sirens don't scare her (she hears them when they are tested every friday morning at 9:30am) because it is really loud being only 3 houses down from us!

madelyn has had a few tough days (well, they have been tough for me anyway). i can see three of her eye teeth (i think two are through but it is tough to get my finger in and out for a feel without getting bit - hard) and two of her molars. she is chewing on everything! i know that she is really hurting when she tries to gently bang her teeth on the coffee table like she is going to bite it. i don't know how else to explain it because it looks like she is going in to bite it, but gently and without the actual bite. and to make matters worse she had her first walking injury. she was reaching for the couch after walking down the hall from her room and got a little too excited. she underestimated how close to the couch she was and hit it with her face instead of her hands when reaching. i am interested to see what it looks like in the morning because it made a big welt on the side of her face and has been red for a couple of hours before she went to bed.
she also discovered a new trick over the weekend (or at least she hasn't done this in a really long time). she has been getting spit on her lips to blow bubbles with by slowly opening her mouth and blowing. sort of like the way a bubble wand works (without the opening part). i have been trying to get it on video, but it is sort of an absent minded activity that the camera snaps her out of.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Living in FL nearly my whole life, I guess I didn't think those sirens were real... good thing Maddie is used to them as they would surely scare me! Aside from running into things, isn't walking fun?! It's made things so much easier around here - for the most part :)