on monday maddie and i got shannon and derek up and out early again for a day of activity. first stop, the milwaukee zoo. madelyn was really in to it this time. i even brought some of her animal books so that i could point to an animal in the book and then in real life. the few times i did this she would look back and forth between the picture and the real deal, so i know that she was making the association i was hoping for and i think it helped. we had to tip the brim of her hat up so that she could see, but then she liked the animals. i think that the lions and monkeys were her favorite animals of the day. she pointed at the lion no matter where we went in the "big cats" exhibit. it was nice because the lion was walking around a lot this time around.

or maybe she was just showing off for her uncle derek and shannon. she still wasn't willing to touch any of the animals (we tried to get her to pet a pony), but she did get really close to a goat and even let me put her down next to it (as long as she could keep one arm around my neck for a quick get away).
after the zoo we stopped for lunch and then headed over to "miller valley" for the complementary miller brewing tour. i was surprised how busy it was for a monday afternoon, but i guess free beer is free beer. madelyn is becoming an old pro at the tour at the ripe age of one. milwaukee is after all a "beer town" so when people visit they are interested in seeing miller valley and experiencing the "high life" of "miller time".

and just to keep the stereotypical milwaukee experience going after beer we went to the "cheese store" (
brennan's). not only do they have a large selection of wisconsin cheeses, produce, and wine, they offer samples. yes, the samples keep bringing us back for more. and now that maddie can eat anything she gets to join in the fun as well. derek and shannon stocked up on wisconsin treats to take back to atlanta with them.
i think that we sent them home entertained and tired. love.
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