Friday, October 24, 2008

the 15 month check-up at 16 months

this morning madelyn finally had her 15 month check-up. too bad that she is 16 months and two days old... anyway, here are her stats:

34 - 3/4 inches tall (off the charts at 99.93%)

26lbs. 12oz. (89.6%)

48.6 cm head circumference (98%)

(she is also wearing 2T/3T clothes and a size 7 shoe.)

we talked about other developmental milestones to see how madelyn is doing. she was impressed that madelyn is working hard at trying to walk up and down the stairs while holding the handrail. and not to brag, just to document for future reference, madelyn has the vocabulary of a two year old at over 50 words. and that is not including her signs and animal noises which the doctor counts as "vocabulary".

the doctor also heard an "innocent heart murmur" which is nothing to worry about. i repeat, it is nothing to worry about (that means you two, grandmas). she said that she only mentioned it in case another doctor brings it up - like if we had to go to urgent care or somewhere like that before it goes away. it is very common around 2 years old and might even go away by the next appointment. on another note, her iron levels are fantastic and she doesn't need a vitamin with iron any more but we can still give it to her if we want to (we will keep using the same vitamin (half a one-a-day childrens) because it has normal iron amounts - not extra like we were asked to give her). her iron was just slightly low at the last appointment and i think that it was just because she was sick that week and not eating normally.

poor kid had three shots and then had to go to the lab to have blood drawn. they made the mistake of getting her all set and then undoing it to find someone else to hold her arm still while i held the rest of her still. she was too antsy by the second attempt and got upset before they ever got the needle in. all in all she did great and even said "bye" through her tears and waved when we left the lab. she really had no reaction to the shots this time, she was just her normal self all day.

when madelyn wakes up in the morning, she flies like a bee to couch as soon as we open the door. usually she is signing for milk and calling for "bob" as she runs past us. its amazing she can find the couch behind her hair covering her entire face. i am usually right behind her with a clip to tame her hair so that she can drink her milk and watch veggietales while i finish getting myself ready or whatever else i might have been doing when she woke up.

this morning i decided to capture her bed hair for you to enjoy. love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Maddie's morning hairdo sounds a lot like Lorelai's :) Now, hmmm, I wonder where Maddie gets this (off the charts) height from???