Wednesday, October 15, 2008

the mystery continues

so madelyn started vomiting at midnight last night again. the good news is that there was only one vomiting incident. and my wonderful husband went out to walgreens at 1am to buy her some gas drops because her stomach was making the sort of exaggerated noises that they use in movies to imply severe stomach trouble is about to come. plus she was crying out every 10 - 30 minutes in pain.

thankfully, after a dose of gas drops and a dose of motrin the night didn't have any more interruptions. and today went really well too. although, there were some rumblings as we were reading books tonight before bedtime so i gave her a dose of the gas drops.

i put a call in to the doctor's office this morning and they said that it was just one of those mystery things that kids pick up and for me just to make sure that she stays hydrated. matt and i are starting to think that it might be some sort of food intolerance - even though there is no obvious possibility and no real changes to her diet. i had thought that it might have been something she ate after the mess last thursday night and have been joking that she must have licked her shoe or something. if she is still having trouble sleeping by thursday night we are supposed to bring her in on friday. so we will see what happens.

while watching me make her lunch today madelyn was "smelling" her strawberry jelly like crazy so i got the camera because i don't think that i have mentioned this interest. she smells everything which has been fun to explore while buying produce at the grocery store or doing anything with clear scents. she doesn't actually "smell" in the video until the end. love.


Becky said...

WOW. That is one impressive snif. She really takes this smelling thing seriously :)

Witenkling Mommy said...

Very impressive sniffing! Funny how kids like to 'smell' things. I wonder if they really do smell the item at hand, or just make the noises with their noses.... I hope Maddie's belly is getting better.