Monday, May 11, 2009

friend's bath

madelyn did not want to wear a long sleeve shirt with her sweatpants today - she wanted to wear a "dress". so we pulled out her ladybug dress from last year that now fits as a shirt. she also got to wear her hair in a "tail". all and all she was very pleased with her appearance.

we had a really nice morning - at least until the accident, but more on that in a minute. madelyn loves playing in the basement with the dogs! sometimes she loves it a little too much. on more than one occasion she has eaten their food and let them in a room they are not allowed in. today it was letting lady come in and lay on top of the guest bed (don't worry all will be washed before our next guests).

while we were upstairs for our mid-morning snack madelyn got two of daddy's travel coffee mugs off the counter. i thought that they were clean ones out of the drying rack. she carried them around for a few hours so i had felt that my assumption about them being empty was correct. that is until she went to give friend a drink. she had been pretending to drink coffee out of them and then it was friend's turn. and now friend was covered in old, cold coffee. and now in need of a bath. even though she was crying about friend's accident and the resulting mess.

madelyn willingly put friend in the garment bag, closed the washing machine door, and pushed all the buttons to start the machine. and then she realized that friend was in there and she couldn't get him back. the hysterics started all over again. she went to get her stool from the bathroom and brought it into the laundry room so that she could work on rescuing friend or at least watch him. (her shirt/dress is also in the machine because of the coffee spill.) here is some footage of her trauma - it is over 3 minutes (if she was really traumatized i would not have taken the video, but it was just momentum at this point).

she did whimper a pathetic sounding "friend" a few times while watching nemo but by the time lunch was over friend was dry (or as madelyn said "friend is hot") and she was ready for nap. friend needed a bath so it was just as well she poured coffee on him because it helped her to give him up willingly. love.


Grandma Z. said...

Very cute picture and very sad video, but quite entertaining. I sure hope she got to watch Nemo!

Witenkling Mommy said...

Boy, you better never lose that guy! Maybe you should seek out a 'back up' Friend. :) Thanks for sharing the video :)

Witenkling Mommy said...

Good thing this accident didn't happen any closer to nap time!