Wednesday, May 6, 2009

rainy day inside

yesterday, madelyn woke up in a labeling sort of mood that has carried through to today. she has been identifying every item she can see or do. it has been a little entertaining because she carries around her little stool to reach things to identify - like "daddy's wallet".
since we would be inside all day yesterday and madelyn was asking to "paint", i decided to let maddie do her first 'arts and crafts' at home. i didn't have any particular project planned for the day, but i did have a pair of safety scissors and a hole puncher from the dollar store. these items plus a glue stick and two sheets of construction paper kept her busy most of the day. here is a sampling of her arts and crafts adventure:

"my friends" posse has been growing. she can't even carry them all in a single trip. this picture is after nap time with all the friends she could carry out of her room with her. she then climbed up into this little chair that she has been sitting in for the past few days.
in addition to her labeling spree, she has been singing up a storm. she usually sings a few words of the song over and over, but she was actually singing whole songs. not only that, but she usually doesn't really sing in music class and on tuesday she was singing loudly. usually she just dances around and claps. it has been such a joy to hear her singing all her favorite songs without any help. she has even been singing her own compositions. her favorite has been a "humpty dumpty" tune and a song with all her grandparents 'names'.
tomorrow she and daddy are going to have a fun day together. matt is taking the day off from work - his first day off since last summer! they are going to have their breakfast out together before going shopping (for mother's day per daddy) and then working in their garden. i am so jealous that i will be working! love.


Grandma Z. said...

Maddie has alot of artistic genes. Hopefully she inherited some of them. Love the pigtails!

Zachritz Family said...

I love her pony tail! Just thrown up like that and still looks gorgeous! A natural beauty!

Witenkling Mommy said...

I love how you are able to find the best non-toy toys! :)