Monday, October 22, 2007

giant baby

today is madelyn's 4 month birthday! and she celebrated with a trip to the doctor for another round of shots - yea! matt and i jokingly (and lovingly) call madelyn our "giant baby" and today we had that verified by the doctor. she was 28" tall (99.99 percentile), weighed 15 lbs. 12 oz. (88.55 percentile), and her head was 41.2 cm (57/58 percentile). please tell me that you caught that she was in the 99.99 percentile for height! i mean we knew that she was tall, but wow! no wonder she has started to wear her 9 month clothes - even though she swims in them because she is so lean.

other than that, the doctor's appointment wasn't too exciting. all's well and we will go back at 6 months. she did better with the shots than last time, a little more crying when she got them, but she wasn't as cranky throughout the rest of the day. she pretty much stopped crying as soon as we got her in her car seat and was asleep before i got back on the interstate to head home.

the shots take a lot out of her so she took two more naps than normal and ate a few more times. not to say that there weren't lots of smiles and laughs today - she just didn't spend as much time awake. plus, she went to bed an hour earlier.

tomorrow should be a better day for all of us. love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Oh my gosh! 28 inches!?! Lorelai was 26 1/2 in at her SIX month appointment!