Wednesday, October 31, 2007

the great pumpkin

happy halloween! maddie dressed up in her pumpkin costume and posed on our front porch for this holiday portrait over the weekend. but she didn't wear a costume today though. in fact, she spent most of the day in her pjs! she slept and ate until 3:30 this afternoon! i don't think that she slept this much even as a newborn. she would wake up all smiles, eat a lot and then fall back to sleep for at least an hour. i guess that her 4-month growth spurt must have been in full swing today...

unfortunately, we didn't get very many trick-or-treaters tonight. our neighborhood doesn't have many of the elementary age group. but in two to three years we will need three sam's sized bags of candy (that is if we still live here).

when maddie did finally decide to stay awake around 3:30, i put on her "peek-a-pooh" shirt so that she was a little festive.

on an unrelated note, our volleyball team is in first place and i have to miss the last of the playoffs for a business trip next week. i am so bummed! i was finally starting to hit like i know what i am doing at last night's game and now the season is over. but it looks like i am going to play on a girl's 4 team over the holidays...

i hope that you all had a great halloween! love.


Becky said...

What great use of the Bumpo! Very cute pumpkin.

Witenkling Mommy said...

Ha- the first time I saw the top picture was from a distance and I thought she was on a turtle shell!
Great costume - too cute as always!