Sunday, October 21, 2007

farewell warm weather

we had a nice late-morning walk through the nature center down the street on saturday. most of the fall leaves were blown off because of recent rain and high winds, but we did get some great pictures and maddie got to touch some leaves of different colors. she was enjoying being outside so much that she went to sleep - maybe she will enjoy it more next year...

we had a beautiful fall weekend! it was breezy, sunny and in the 70s - probably for the last time this year. so we spent as much time as possible outside. they are saying that the highs are going to be in the 50s for the rest of the week.

as a last goodbye to warm weather, we went down to the neighborhood park today to let maddie swing for a while. well, it wasn't so much letting her swing, as showing daddy how she can sit in the swing while we push her. while she laughed and smiled a few times, she was mainly focused on chewing and sucking on her fingers and feeling her teeth and the inside of her cheek.

madelyn has also learned that she can pull matt's glasses off his face. and like everything else that she can get her hands on, they went straight into her mouth. she is particularly fond of cloth. i was reaching over her for a clean diaper while wearing a long sleeved t-shirt and she wouldn't let go of my wrist. she was determined to find a way to get it into her mouth. i just let her hold a burp cloth all day for her chewing pleasure.



Becky said...

Beautiful colors - we don't get sights like that down here do we:)

Rob Zachritz said...

Those colors are gorgeous and so is Madelyn.

I enjoy reading your blog. Thanks so much for sharing.


Uncle Rob