Wednesday, March 12, 2008

crying break

this morning was great. we got matt off to the airport and maddie did great at playing and being her happy self while i worked. then she took a two hour nap from 11 to 1 and that was the end of normalcy.

she has just been off all afternoon and evening. she refused to go down for an afternoon nap even though she was exhausted. so it was a mix of laughing and crying all afternoon. after work i went to the grocery store to pick up a few things and she slept for a few minutes in her car seat on the way home. she even let me transfer her to her crib for another 30 to 40 minutes of sleep.

here is a video of her happy after that short nap. she really likes crawling behind our curtains and playing peekaboo although the camera distracted her a little. sometimes she peaks from the side and sometimes she lifts it over her head. this is one of our favorite after dinner games.

right now she is up in her room crying. she won't nurse, she won't feed from a bottle, nothing. she just wants to cry. so i am taking a break and blogging. she is starting to settle down so we will see if she goes down for the night or not.
i am hoping that this is just an adjustment to the time change and not a prolonged new phase. only time will tell...

i am heading back up to check on her and maybe trying feeding her again now. before i leave i had to take this picture of her sleeping last night. isn't she sweet snuggled up with her teddy bear? love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

You are so brave... to take a picture of your sleeping baby... and it appears you used a flash!