Sunday, March 9, 2008

quick tricks

i only have a few minutes tonight because i need to continue preparing for my work week. matt was nice enough to help me out by watching maddie for a few hours this afternoon so that i could spend some time in my office - alone.

madelyn has taught herself two new tricks today. first, she has learned how to lay herself down slowly on her back. its like a really slow reverse sit up. and then she just lays on her back for a minute as if enjoying a job well done. its the only time in a long time that i have seen her lay so still while on her back without being asleep (and even then she never really stayed on her back for very long).

next, she has learned how to make it 'rain' in her highchair. we don't use spill-proof cups while at home, just the old school snap on sippy lids. well maddie has learned that if she lifts her cup towards her head quickly she can make the water splash out and fall like rain. what's even funnier is that she tilts her head down and closes her eyes when she does it so that it doesn't get in her eyes. at least it is only water...

okay. i have to run now. i am trying to come up with some more interesting topics/themes for my entries this week since i feel that my writing has lost its enthusiasm over the past couple of weeks. until tomorrow. love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

Fear not - Your blogs have not lost their zest! I love the dress she's wearing in the first shot :)

Becky said...

Not at ALL! It'd be a warm December day in Wisconsin when this blog loses its enthusiasm! Maddie is waaaay too ahead of her game for that :)