Monday, May 5, 2008

i have a new hero

i am going to take a detour from writing about maddie to tell you all about my new hero - as a blogger and as a mom. my friend kellie recommended "the meanest mom" blog and i have enjoyed every post!

today's post was about an ad she put on craigslist to sell off some of her kids toys that they were not taking care of properly. now i thought that her ad was hysterical! i was laughing to myself at how cleaver she is as a writer (i also think that while reading her blog). and then she posted the "hate mail" she received from some of the people who saw it on craigslist. i couldn't believe that people shopping for children's toys online would suddenly turn into parenting experts and share their 'wisdom' with a total stranger! (i did laugh a little when a mother with a two year old shared her wisdom because i was imagining how she will feel when her child is older and she feels like selling off all the toys he is destroying.) although, i guess i am not that surprised since people are often quick to judge situations that they don't know anything about. particularly when it comes to parenting.

i hope that you all take a look at her blog and enjoy her approach to life and parenting as much as i have. love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

She is a riot! I've found myself reading past entries and then I'll look at the clock and say, 'Oh, my! it's 10:30 pm! Where did the time go?!' So entertaining and real. Glad you like it, too.