Tuesday, May 27, 2008

maddie goes to the zoo

it was a really nice long weekend here. we felt spoiled to have three gorgeous days! especially since today was very cold and they are warning of frost tonight! the joys of wisconsin...

we took maddie for her first "official" trip to the zoo on sunday. (we took her to the zoo when she was about two months old for a hospital picnic but don't count it because we never actually went in to see the animals.) it was a great day - not too crowded, a little on the cool side and not too sunny. she did take an interest in a lot of the animals and surprised me with how well she could find them in their areas. most of the animals were laying down and sleeping, but she could still find them (sometimes we had to point though when they were in a tree or a little hidden).

we stayed away from the petting area on this trip. i got a zoo pass for mother's day (with parking and two guest passes) and plan for maddie and i to go at least twice a month (if not more) so there will be other times for the petting area. we thought it might be nice to give her some time before having to see a goat up close and personal again, plus it was really crowded when we went by.

there was a "family farm" portion to the zoo and that's where we found out that maddie isn't all that crazy about roosters' "cock-a-doodle-doo". the rooster was back in the building, but you could see it behind the chicken and after its third crow maddie burst into tears and was ready to move on. but she did enjoy watching kids go on the pony rides and was even a lot closer to the ponies than at chocolate fest without any fear. in fact, she was calling out to the kids and waving as they went by on the ponies.

later in the day we went into the fish and reptile building. maddie wasn't really sure about the fish tanks and kept a really tight grip on daddy's arm. (matt is trying to put her down on the ledge to stand in the picture and she was not willing to let go.) after a while i took over holding her and found a smaller opening that she was willing to stand on. since the opening was smaller and she was standing close to the glass, she lost a lot of her peripheral vision. the fish in this tank were HUGE and one snuck up on her right next to the glass. she almost jumped into my arms she was so terrified! that one i understood because it surprised her - it would have startled me too.

all and all she really enjoyed the trip more than i thought she would. she even got out of her stroller and walked a little of it on her own. i am looking forward to taking her again. love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Ooh, that will be so much fun- making repeat trips to the zoo! I'm jealous. :)