Tuesday, June 3, 2008

take me out to the ball game

sunday afternoon maddie took in her first professional baseball game. and to make it extra special it was ryan braun bobble-head day! nothing like a free souvenir of a "first" event (well besides all the pictures i take).

madelyn almost made it through the first two innings. she really liked standing on my lap and looking at all the people behind us. she even clapped after everyone finished cheering (just a little delay in her reaction to what is going on there). my lap may never be the same again. she was up and down, up and down, around and round, and almost never stopped moving the whole time. thankfully, we noticed that the toddler play ground area was right behind our section on our way in! so madelyn and i made our way over there when she was starting to get angry about being contained - yet again.

the toddler area was like a beehive!! i have never seen so many small children hyped up and contained in a little pen. they were all over each other and running every which way. i was afraid to move for fear of tripping on someone or stepping on them. maddie was not intimidated at all though. she got right in there. the funniest part was that all of these 4 year olds (my best guess) were climbing all over her on this giant baseball glove she was sitting on and one little boy was trying to protect her. once things settled down he even got out and squatted behind it to jump up and play "peek-a-boo" with her. i was very thankful for the play area but decided to venture back to our seats hoping that some of her energy had worn off.

not so much... at least this time she was open to others holding her. she really enjoyed playing with the empty beer cup! i know, it looked a little funny to see her holding an empty beer cup, but i was getting desperate for a little bit of a break. after she finished up with the cup we went back to the play area for some more activity as a distraction from missing her afternoon nap time. unfortunately we missed the sausage race! i was so disappointed. i thought that maddie might like that part. oh well. maybe we will get back to the ballpark again later. love.


Bekah said...

Hey cuz! I sent you an email but I'm not sure if I had a current email address for you. I will be studying in Milwaukee for three weeks in July. I figured out that you are about 22 miles away and wanted to talk to you about the possibility of staying with you. I have other options too so don't feel obligated! I could always come out for a visit. I would love to take care of Maddie too if you and Matt wanted some nights out! Shoot me a message if you get a chance. bekahandjames at gmail.com

Witenkling Mommy said...

Your time at the ball game sounds like our time at jon's sister's graduation. Lorelai didn't like being 'confined' either. I'm impressed you got two innings out of her. I love your analogy of the play area to a beehive... :)

Anonymous said...

I think we have a photo, somewhere, of me at the Macon Peaches ball game. I was Maddie's age and playing with a pack of cigarettes. Maddie's great granddad was pitching.