Thursday, July 10, 2008

just like mommy

i was on the phone this evening while getting dinner ready and maddie went into my office. she does this often since we spend most of the day in there and she has some of her favorite toys in the room. as soon as i saw her i ran back from my camera.

you can't really tell from the video how much it truly looked like she was working at the computer, but when i first went in she had her hands correctly on the keyboard and was 'typing' away. she was even looking up at the screen and then reaching her right hand out to move the mouse every now and then - just like mommy. by the time i took the video she had put the mouse up on the keyboard so the 'typing' wasn't as good.

while i thought it was super cute and got the camera so that i could share. i quickly closed the keyboard drawer up and took the chair away so that she wouldn't hurt anything (or think that it was okay to use mommy's computer).

the other part of this that occurred to me as i sat down to post tonight is that it is a little sad. this is how she sees mommy all day (except that i don't sit on my knees in the chair). it is difficult to keep balance in my life with work, and maddie, and matt, and everything else (not in that order at all), but i know that it is what i have to do so i do it. i love my job, but it does take me away from maddie in many ways. i am physically with her all day, but mentally i can only give her a limited amount of my attention. i think that people don't realize that part. in order to get in 40 hours - at least - a week, its not like maddie and i are just hanging out at home having a grand 'ole time. i am working, just like if i was in an office.

i am not as sad as this sounds (not that i haven't been from time to time), but looking at her imitate me like this tonight made me kind of sad and i felt the need to share. truthfully, it is impressive that she did it so well! and she didn't want to stop when i picked her up off the chair - she just kept reaching trying to get back down. well enough of that! love.


Becky said...

I have always thought the hardest of the three options for a mom (work full-time in an office, SAHM only with no outside work, or work-at-home mom) was MOST CERTAINLY the work-at-home mom. But somehow you manage to do it VERY WELL!!!

We all have days where we second guess the choice we made, but in the end, we know we've made the best choice for our family and ourself. Glad you have the blog to do a little venting.

Keep up the great work, MOM!

Witenkling Mommy said...

Lorelai likes playing at the computer, too. Even if you weren't working on it daily, I'm sure Maddie would be curious.
I don't know how you work at home. I guess Maddie's more significant naps are a help. My MIL sort of suggested I do it and I said that would mean I'd be working at night because there is no way Lorelai would 'allow' me to give the necessary attention to the work during the day - and her single, one-hour nap certainly wouldn't help matters. I'm impressed by both (you & Maddie) of your abilities to make it work.