Monday, July 14, 2008

the power of packaging

madelyn is addicted to gerber "yogurt melts". we discovered them on our recent trip to florida and may bring a whole case of them on our flight to california in a few weeks. seriously. they are that powerful. we try not to give maddie too many of these "sweet" types of foods because she eats her "healthy" food so well we don't want her to sway to the sweets like her mommy. but in a must cooperate situation (like an airplane) they are extremely useful!

i have discovered another benefit to her addiction - the yellow bag. madelyn wouldn't touch her raisins so i went to get the bag and she started signing for "more" (remember that she uses that sign for "eat"). so i pulled some from the bag and put them on her plate. she gobbled them up and signed for "more"! it took me a minute to figure out what had changed, but then it came to me - the yellow bag! i am going to look for more healthy foods that come in yellow bags and exploit her illiteracy as long as i can.
we had a few more firsts today. madelyn has learned how to open the screen door and let herself out on the deck to be with the dogs. so we won't be leaving the sliding glass doors open for air any more. before she did that though i realized that she was trying to give the dogs "kisses". she has never tried to kiss anything but people before and usually at our request, so this was defiantly a first. we have always told her that the dogs are giving her "kisses" when they are licking her all over so that she doesn't get scared when they are double teaming her (all the time) and i guess she put it together that she could "kiss" them back. lady licked the screen and then maddie put her mouth in its open "o" for kisses on the screen in return. and then she would do it on request so of course i got it on video.

next is her riding her horse. its long and is mainly for the grandparents. enjoy!



Witenkling Mommy said...

Too funny that she was duped by packaging :) I wish Lorelai ate as well as Maddie :( I love the video of the puppy kisses.

jwitenko said...

"..exploit her illiteracy as long as i can."

What a great quote.