Wednesday, August 27, 2008

its new to us

i have been away from blogging so long that it has been difficult to remember what to write about. and i am still not taking enough pictures, but i will get back in the swing of things soon - hopefully.

because i work for the most amazing woman, maddie and i are going to be able to get out and about more during the day. it is just too good to be true! i am still in shock a little about the whole situation, but i think it will really help me out this winter.

today madelyn were taking a break to play outside before nap time and our neighbor across the street came to let us know that she was taking a bunch of toys to goodwill that her grand kids had outgrown. she invited us over to see if there was anything maddie might like. well, madelyn was instantly drawn to a grocery store register set. she picked up the scanner like a phone and said "hi". we also got a play doll stroller, a folding chair, and a few other fun items. here is some video of her with the grocery store register set - nothing fancy, but she says "hi" into the scanner at the end.

madelyn likes socks, i would almost say that she loves them. since its been summer we haven't been putting them on her, but it got cool the other night and i put a pair on her feet. she just thought that this was the coolest thing ever! several times over the past week she has brought me socks and sat down to have me put them on her. today we came in from playing and took off her tennis shoes and then her socks. i guess she wasn't done wearing her socks because she tried really hard to put them back on. of course she was done when i got back with the camera. she has been really trying to put on her clothes (and accessories) lately and depending on the day, getting dress is easier or more difficult as a result.

and now i just have to brag a little about how easy she is - as if you couldn't already tell. since we have moved her to the toddler bed, bed time is super easy (and cute). after bath, she gets into her pjs, picks a book and then gets up on matt (or my) lap. while she drinks her milk we read. when she is ready for bed she just gets off our lap and goes to bed. it is so cute.

tomorrow we are going to a neighborhood friend's 4th birthday party. i will try to take some pictures. love.


Unknown said...

You have to love recycled toys. We built Mason a fort out of a box and we wonder why we buy him toys.

Witenkling Mommy said...

The ease with which your child goes to bed is just about unbelieveable/sickening. If Lorelai wasn't in a crib, I'm pretty sure she'd be out with us - against our will. Is she that 'easy' with everything? L's been in a strong 'No' phase. Its like she just realized she doesn't HAVE to do what we ask/tell her to and she has an opinion. Not fun. Love the hanging bear - too funny. And I agree, recycled toys kick butt! Who needs brand new all the time - not like a one year old is going to care or notice. Happy to hear your employer is being so accomodating. You are really lucky! :)