Wednesday, October 22, 2008

after dinner treats

after dinner can be one of the best parts of the day. first it is nice to have daddy home, second we are all fed and content, third madelyn gets extra silly.

it starts with her back and forth "hi" game, then comes the lap hugs where she comes over and hugs our leg and/or lap with the "hi", then she points at us while saying our names ("dad", "mom"), and then comes the dancing to signal that she is getting full and ready to play. we quickly get her hands and face clean before she starts getting her toys involved in the action once the dancing begins.

tonight she was especially silly! she had gotten a halloween package from papa and nana late in the afternoon and she really got to checking everything out after dinner. (i just realized when i sat down to post that i didn't take any pictures of the halloween gifts - sorry.) they sent her several things, but one was a bear dressed as a pumpkin that had a curly ribbon coming out of the top of the costume as a vine. this was the first game. she would pull out the ribbon and then let it bounce back while matt and i yelled "boing!" leading to lots of laughter and giggles. after that she worked her way up to our laps (we were sitting together on the couch while she was running around playing) and was showering dad with hugs. next she got down and i asked if she was going to give dad kisses. she immediately turned around and ran at full speed towards matt - we were expecting a kiss - instead she lunged at his lap before turning back around and running to the fireplace laughing hysterically! but then she turned and ran back to lunge into his lap before going back to the fireplace. i had to try and get some video and thankfully she kept doing it - although she did pause and tone it down when the camera came on. enjoy!

there was lots more running, laughing, and playing so i expect her to sleep really well tonight! love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

What is it about after dinner that gets kids in such a chipper mood? Maybe its a combo of energy from food and starting to wind down- get tired. It is a fun time, though :)