Monday, October 6, 2008

socks away

i had to run a few errands this morning and madelyn fell asleep at 10:30 (her mid-morning hump) whining for "snacks". when we got to the house i went to get her out of her car seat and she woke-up shouting "snacks"! i thought for sure that she was awake for good, but instead she snuggled up into my neck and went back to sleep. i was a little torn about whether to encourage her to wake up and eat her snack or just let her go to bed. the risk was only getting a one hour nap and a cranky girl for the rest of the day. i decided to go with it and put her in bed - where she stayed for the next three hours!

dryer update: the electrician came out and it was just a loose wire in the electrical cabinet. yes, that would mean that our old dryer still worked. yes, that means that we spent money we didn't need to. yes, matt may never get over this. needless to say i have been doing laundry ever since the electrical was fixed.

when matt got home he helped sort and fold while i worked on dinner. to keep maddie out of the kitchen for me, matt had her putting away her socks. she made this trip at least ten times, but i decided to get some video right as she was starting to loose interest. we were speculating about what we would find in her room - would the socks actually be in her dresser or just scattered on the floor? watch and find out. (i couldn't decide which video was better and posted them both - the lighting didn't look as bad while i was filming.) love.


Zachritz Family said...

That is freaking awesome! Brad and I loved the video! She's too cute. Her and Annabell's voices sound just alike! At least on video. Love her!

Witenkling Mommy said...

What a great little helper! She's talking so well :)

Becky said...

I like the head nodding in the first video - so cute :)