Friday, December 26, 2008

the day after

madelyn and i had a fun morning playing at home while daddy went to work until around 1. we played with her mr. potato head toys for a long time. she was having a lot of fun trying to get the glasses to fit on her face. she was so proud when they would stay on for even a moment. (i think that she looks a lot like me when i was her age in this picture. in fact, i called my mom because i thought that there was a picture of me with mr. potato head glasses on, but it was brad.)

she was so cute dancing to one of her toy's music today that i had to share. she was so happy jamming to it! she wasn't really playing with it, but wanted to keep it on for the dance beat. i think you can tell how big her smile is in the video.

she went strong until daddy helped her with lunch and made our first attempt at nap time. thankfully, she went down without a fight and napped for about 3 hours. she was a little bit out of sorts from the long nap when she woke up, but after some milk and rudolph, she was ready to run errands with daddy and mommy. her new thing is to say "out" when she is done riding in the car. it always makes me laugh because she just thinks of it all of the sudden like "oh, here is my stop - let me out".

other words to mention - heavy, cake, stool (as in step stool), mug, and play. love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Nice moves! Adorable jammies. A three hour nap?! No comment.