Tuesday, December 16, 2008

warning - diapers come off

i had been warned. i know that she can take off her diaper. but for some reason i told matt that if she didn't want to put her pjs on then she didn't have to on monday night. besides no pajamas, the bedtime routine was uneventful and she never let out a peep after matt left her room. as i do every night, i stopped to check on her on my way to bed. what did i find? a naked girl and a very wet bed.

so i laid her on the floor, put her in a new diaper and pajama pants, and then surrounded her with all the animals from her bed who had been spared the dampness. she laid there looking at me totally motionless while i got her ready, striped the bed, disinfected the mattress, dried it off, and put on a clean sheet. she did say "mommy, don't leave me!" when i went to get the disinfectant (clear as a bell too), but showed no sign of movement when i came back with it.

i put her back in her now dry bed and she never gave another peep. lesson learned. love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Wowzers! That's exactly why I wouldn't dream of putting Lorelai to bed pantless. Kudos to you for handling it so quickly and without much disruption to the sleeping girl. Thank goodness the bed was only damp!!