Monday, January 19, 2009

baby preparedness

we have been talking with madelyn about a baby coming to live at our house since her "big sister to be" shirt got here and we started telling people. she knows that she is going to be a "big sister" and that a baby is going to come to our house, but i don't think that she truly understands what that means - yet. with the ultrasound coming up in a few weeks, we have been talking about "boys" and "girls" and identify them when we read books or draw stick people. we also talk about how madelyn and mommy are girls and daddy is a boy. off and on we have been asking her about what kind of baby she wants to come and live at her house. for the first few days she would say a "girl", but now she gets excited about a "boy". we will see soon enough about whether or not she gets her wish, but here is some video of her preference.

during lunch today madelyn was standing her 'peas' (crunchy cheetos-like things made from peas and rice) up on her sandwich and then eating them. she had two of them standing up on her sandwich, but she ate one before i could get the camera. i just thought that it was pretty funny because she has never put anything in her sandwich before and they were standing up so well.

i spend a lot of posts talking about what madelyn can say lately that i have been forgetting to mention the things that she can do, so here is a quick list of the latest.

- she can now close her eyes without using her fingers to keep them closed. it has made for some really funny faces at meal times.

- she has realized that she can walk backwards until she runs into something. this has become a sort of game. she will almost moonwalk backwards until she trips or hits a wall and busts out laughing.

- spinning in circles until she is dizzy is another favorite 'game'. she spins and spins and then stops. she holds really still and gets a silly grin on her face while she enjoys the dizzy sensation. it cracks us up.

- she has learned that it is fun to open the closet doors, get inside, close them, and wait for us to find her. luckily she is really noisy about her hiding or i might have really had trouble finding her in the coat closet the first time she did this.

- this one isn't really a "doing" story, but a "saying" story. she calls her favorite toys to "come" when she can't find them. the funniest is "bob" because she often calls him "bobby". when she can't find him she yells "bobby!" in a way that reminds me of how whitney houston is always parodied yelling "bobby!" (i have never actually heard whitney do it, just seen parodies). it makes us laugh every time.

my goal is to take maddie somewhere fun tomorrow. we will see what happens because it is still going to be pretty cold. she was asking to go for a "walk" this morning, but i couldn't because of my meeting schedule. i am determined to get her out for some fun of her own. love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

That video is priceless and its obvious she isn't just saying 'boy' out of convenience. I hope she's not disappointed if its a girl :)