Tuesday, January 27, 2009

diapers for everyone

madelyn has developed a deep interest in her diapers over the past few days. that is that she has been interested in putting diapers on all of her friends - and herself. she lays the diaper on the ground and unfolds it flat before laying herself or one of her friends on top of it.
not only does she want all her friends to wear their own diapers, but after meals she insists on using a wipe on "bob". even if bob wasn't at the table during the meal, she runs to find him and wipe his mouth too. when she has accomplished her mission she then runs to the trash can to throw it away.
we were both excited to begin music classes again today. madelyn was so excited that she couldn't wait to leave and we ended up getting there pretty early. she wasn't quite participating 100%, but she was definitely enjoying all the songs again. we have been singing a lot of them this afternoon and dancing around the house. after class we came back to ava's house so that her mom could take her little brother to a doctor's appointment. ava was napping the whole time, so madelyn had the place to herself. she was enjoying checking out all the toys in ava's "toy closet" in the basement. the funny part was that she kept calling it "stuff". i have never heard her use this term and it became her favorite word as soon as we got to ava's house. any group of items she referred to were simply identified as "stuff." and it stopped as soon as we got home. i am interested to see if "stuff" comes back tomorrow.
she is becoming much more focused about her coloring. she used to just kind of mark straight lines with the crayons, but now she colors back and forth in an intentional fashion trying to color the picture she is working on.
the best part is that when she is done coloring, she picks up all the crayons, puts the lid on the container we store them in, brings me her crayons and coloring book, and declares that she is "done".
she has just been amazing at cleaning up her toys for me (at times without me even asking her to)! i am so lucky to have such a good helper! love.


Becky said...

It is great that she likes to clean-up her 'stuff' :) Hope her helpfulness continues!

Witenkling Mommy said...

I love the focused concentration in the coloring picture!

Grandma Z. said...

Can't wait to color with her. Love the dress!