Monday, January 12, 2009

mourning the chargers

last night was sad at our house as we watched the chargers lose, badly. it was difficult for me to watch. and we had just gotten madelyn to cheer when they did something good (see video for a pre-game test). she had fun cheering with daddy at the beginning of the game, but then everything went downhill. oh well...

daddy and madelyn love playing with the bubbles during bath time. "bubbles" are one of the reasons madelyn gets into the tub in the first place most nights. one of her favorite things to do is to blow them all over. she will scoop them up and hold out her hand for us to blow them off. then daddy will hold them for her to blow. she doesn't always blow hard enough and sometimes needs some help from daddy.

lastly for tonight here is a random video of madelyn talking to the dogs. i was trying to get her to say their names, but instead she just wanted to tell them good "morning" towards the end. you can also hear her giving them kisses if you listen closely after she tells me that she is "pet"ting them. i am posting it because of the increasing requests from family to see more videos... love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Sorry about your team :( I lvoe how she has somewhat of a southern accent when she says 'Mornin' to the pooches :)