Sunday, March 29, 2009

baby shower for baby boy

today was the baby shower for baby boy. grandma has been working hard on the shower since she got here because she couldn't stand the idea that i wasn't going to have one. she brought a suitcase and a half of supplies with her too!

last night we prepared the house (cleaning and decoration) and food so that all we would have to do after church was pick up the cake and put everything out.

madelyn likes to help and last night she was helping me vacuum. i ran for the camera when she was pulling it back and forth like i was but she had gotten herself a little stuck up against the door by the time i got back. here is a little clip because she was just trying so hard.

we had expected 7-11 inches of snow last night because of the weather forecast, but were glad to see that we only had a few (maybe 2 inches) when we got up this morning. granted, it took matt a long time to shovel the driveway before church this morning.

matt tried to get madelyn down before the shower started at 1, but the allure of cake and the sound of voices brought her out to peek around the corner to see if she could come out too. i let her come out and she ended up not taking a nap at all today. she did so well during the shower! i was actually proud of her, there was no begging or crying. this was surprising because she was obviously tired when daddy tried to put her down.

after the shower she could barely keep her eyes open while eating her dinner (3 packets of oatmeal, a plum, and some dried mango). it was so funny to watch her try to stay awake that i told matt he needed to take a break from painting the nursery to sit and watch for a while. we were all laughing so hard (as quietly as possible) watching her shovel in oatmeal with her eyes closed. she would throw a fit when the camera came on because she wants to see "maddie". to get this video i had to go into the other room to turn it on, but she saw me pointing it at her and that is why she is saying her name over and over. she was almost asleep so she is just saying her name with her eyes closed. grandma didn't realize that i was taking video and wakes her up out of this when she tries to pull the table cloth up like a "sheet". enjoy!

everyone had a very nice time at the shower and you will get to see the great onsies and bibs they made for baby boy when he gets to wear them (there are some really good ones!). surprisingly, madelyn made it all the way to her normal bed time without any major meltdowns. i just don't want her to get used to not napping... love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

You don't know how lucky you are to have a kid who falls asleep when she's tired. Both of my girls seem to have issues with that - just letting go to dreamland and peacefulness....... also LUCKY you a baby shower for baby #2!! They don't seem to do that in these parts.