Tuesday, March 10, 2009

fun with daddy

madelyn has so much fun with daddy. they chase each other around the house, laughing. and daddy does a lot of things that mommy can't or won't do. tonight we went for a walk around the neighborhood since it was fairly warm (45) after dinner and had stopped raining. mommy won't carry madelyn, but daddy will. she rode most of our walk sitting up on daddy's shoulders. she told us that she was tall like a giraffe. i loved that she made that association! plus, it gave matt and i a good laugh. before she got up on daddy's shoulders we had pointed out a worm on the sidewalk and she squatted down to take a closer look. much to my surprise she tried to pick it up. and then she jumped back and gave a horrific expression. she said that it was slimy and yucky like a snake. she told us about it for most of the walk and would not touch another one. i didn't have the camera with me and tried to get her to talk about it when we got home, but she was too interested in the new mobile for her baby brother's room that arrived today.

on sunday, matt tried to teach madelyn how to massage his back. she was trying so hard to do a good job.

here are some other notes:

- madelyn has been pointing out colors, numbers, and shapes when we are out. today at the doctor's office she told me that there was a triangle sticker and sure enough there was a triangle window cling in the office window. and yesterday she took a pocket planner i gave her and identified all the numbers on the page without any prompting from me.

- she has been counting "ten, twelve" a lot lately. it makes us laugh because she just keeps saying the numbers over, and over, and over happily.

- madelyn put herself down for her nap earlier than normal and instead of sleeping she sang, laughed, and talked for about 40 minutes before knocking on her door saying "knock, knock, knock". i went in and tucked her back in and didn't hear another peep for about two hours.

- when ever she is climbing on something or trips she says "be careful".

- she has been singing a lot. her current favorite is "row, row, row your boat". madelyn sings it "row, row, row the street". even though she sings most of the day it has been impossible to catch it on tape. i will keep trying though. love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Maddie is getting so big!