Tuesday, May 12, 2009

busy morning

if we don't get out of the house in the morning, there is a good chance that we won't get much done since she has been sleeping 4+ hours in the afternoon. i have tuesday mornings off, so i was looking forward to spending the morning away from the house today. and lucky for me we have lots and lots of time to get ready to leave because madelyn wakes up at 6am (or earlier). the library opens at 9:30 so we were there when they unlocked the doors. then we got to music class at 10:15 and after that the zoo at 11:45. and madelyn was delightful!

i almost didn't attempt all these stops because madelyn was in quite a mood this morning. these early morning wake-ups make her temper much shorter than normal. but i am happy to report that she cooperated, shared nicely, and was a general joy to be around all morning! the first picture is of her 'swinging' at the zoo - i loved the big smile on her face!

as we were coming around to the giraffes and elephants madelyn realized that she had pockets. she stuck both hands in as deeply as she could and was running like she was wearing a straight jacket. she was so happy about the pockets and seeing the giraffes that she had the biggest smile of pure joy on her face!

not only did we have a great time at the zoo, but she fell asleep on the ride home and stayed that way until i woke her up at 4:45! again she was passing the 4 hour mark and i wanted to get her to the park to burn off some more energy in the hope of her going to bed easily and on time.

daddy is putting her down right now and it looks like we are going to make it by 8. now if i could just get her to sleep until 7... love.


Grandma Z. said...

Maddie looks like she is in a great mood. She looks absolutely beautiful in blue. What a cute smile!!!

Becky said...

Yesterday I let Reece play legos and read books in his room during nap, telling him he could turn his light off and rest when he was ready. After about an hour of playing, I peeked in to check on him and he had gotten into bed and gone to sleep. I tried to wake him after an hour ... 30 minutes later he finally woke-up. So he slept for an hour and a half. Bedtime was at 8pm. He listened to Chronicles of Narnia on CD until 8:30 and was asleep soon after. So the shorter nap does seemed to have helped a little. BUT, if I were you, with an almost 2-year old and newborn on the way, I wouldn't mess with Maddie's naps too much. 8 o'clock's not too bad for a bedtime. Good luck getting the wake-up time later :)

Machala said...

I do not understand why libraries don't open earlier...ours doesn't open until 10, and we have early risers like Maddie!

jwitenko said...

are you guys going to music together too?