Sunday, May 10, 2009

the cons of marathon napping

so madelyn stayed up past bedtime on friday and saturday nights. she still wakes up at the same time though -6:00 or 6:30. so what do we have? a very cranky girl all morning who takes a 4 hour nap in the afternoon! normally a 4 hour nap would be good, but these are not worth having a cranky girl all morning. i mean, she is fine for the most part. she just gets to fussing a lot sooner than she normally would and it made running errands a lot more difficult. i am going to give her a few more days to get this straightened out on her own before i start waking her up after 2-1/2 hours of napping.

thankfully, she had a wonderful day with daddy on friday. i am not totally sure what all they did, but daddy reported that they had a great time! i was so thankful - that they had a good time and that i had a day to work totally uninterrupted. well, at least not interrupted by madelyn. i had forgotten how working at the computer really gets the baby going. madelyn was the same way when i would type all day. i must get my adrenaline up or something when i am focused like that because both kids have had the same reaction.

on saturday matt worked on his landscaping in the backyard - all day! he is doing such a great job back there! he finished filling the two vegetable garden boxes with their dirt and then put in the cutout landscaping behind them (all the bald spots in the grass are the joys of having dogs - that will become a project later). the cutout was a lot of work. he hand shovelled up all the sod and then used it to build up the mounds before adding the plants and more soil. he has plans for a larger one on the other side of the yard. he plans to get the vegetable seedlings in the ground later this week too. some of the neighbors have been joking that he is 'nesting' by racing through his projects outside. speaking of nesting...

i have definitely kicked into 'nesting' mode. i made a real dinner for the first time in a very long time (poor matt), cleaned out the car, put madelyn's outgrown clothes into storage, pulled the rest of the baby stuff out of storage, dusted and deep cleaned both kids rooms, did all the laundry, and cleaned both bathrooms. madelyn came to check out what i was doing while i was scrubbing her tub and wanted to help (she had helped me wipe down all the furniture in brother's room too). so i had her come with me to clean the shower in our bathroom.

i don't think that i have raved about shaklee get clean products yet, so here is my product endorsement. not only are the products great for cleaning, they are chemical free and affordable. my favorite by far is the "scour off" paste. this stuff is so powerful, smells great, and has gentle enough scrubbers to use it on our ceramic top stove (by far the best stuff i have ever used to clean it - so easy). anyway, since there are no chemicals madelyn was able to actually help me. she enjoyed dipping her scrubbing pad in the scour off and then in her cup of water before 'scrubbing' the shower. she was using a scrub brush too when i went to get the camera. she kept telling me that "cleaning is fun" and "helping scrub", but of course she clams up as soon as the camera comes out. as soon as i turned it off after this video she handed me one of the scrubber pads and told me that it was "mommy's turn to help scrub."

it was nice to feel like getting more done than the everyday tasks! i am hoping it lasts. i have the feeling that there is going to be a large goodwill drop in my future because i have the urge to purge... love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

Too bad there's a downside to long naps. I am very impressed by Matt's nesting, err, landscaping :) I remember going through a major cleaning phase and making nearly daily trips to Goodwill as Kinley's birth neared. I'm going to have to look into that cleaner... is it available at stores like Target? Maybe I can get BOTH girls to help me clean :) Happy nesting...

Becky said...

Reece is a long napper, too. And you're right ... it isn't always a good thing. Even at age 4, he could easily nap 3 hours a day ... but then he's up late at night (like until 10pm) and still wakes at 6:30 or so. I've started waking him after an hour ... but that just seems so counter-intuitive ... we'll see how it goes.

Grandma Z. said...

Maddie is a good little helper. Getting as much done before baby coming is a great idea.